Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Starting and Developing a New Venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Starting and Developing a New Venture - Essay Example They have endured a lot and gone through many hurdles but their success is worth the risk they took. Their experiences in their different ventures are very vital for those aspiring to be in entrepreneurship. Although the two entrepreneurs have invested in different field, they have common entrepreneurial traits are attributed to them I regard to their line of work and which may have helped them become insiders and business mogul. All entrepreneurs have many things in common, but every one of them has a unique characteristic (Kaushik, & Bhatnagar, 2009, p.84). Stelios Haji Ioannou a self labeled serial entrepreneur studied Economics and later Shipping, Trade and Finance. He started working for his father and later set up his own shipping company with the capital he was given by his father. Haji started Easy jet in 1995 some years later after being acquitted by courts on charges of poor maintenance, manslaughter, intimidation and attempting to bribe witnesses. Haji held one of his serv ing crew responsible for the accident. On the other hand Richard Branson ventured into business at a tender age of 16. Though Branson had dyslexia and poor academic performance as a student, he later discovered his ability to connect with others. Entrepreneurial characteristics of Richard Branson and Haji Stelios Locus of Control The locus of control is the power in the principle that one can formulate and implement things. Most entrepreneurs have a high locus but in most cases they are poor in delegating duties. They are upbeat when it comes to venturing into business. They tend to be more practical and positive about their business ventures. In 1993, Branson took what most people thought was a very risky: the railway business. This is a good signal that he could do the impossible and make it happen in the practical world. Entering into the railway business for Branson was no weak point on his person but was by far and thick a measure of his ability to make things happen. For Haji taking on his business and making his firm the biggest budget airline corporation in Europe is not a small thing. By engaging in such a big venture against all odds Haji was taking the path often taken by very few people. Locus of control goes beyond setting up a venture and consists of such things like formulation, control and implementation. Branson and Haji are in that breed of entrepreneur who have managed to set themselves up and avail that consistent locus of control. Creativity and Innovation Necessity is the mother of invention. Most entrepreneurs rely on the necessity of a certain group of people. Curiosity and creativity is the quintessence of entrepreneurism. New products, new solutions and new ways are the core of creativity and in general entrepreneurism. It is about willing to think of all possibilities and opening one’s mind to creative things through being inquisitive of what is going on in the world and quite often generating a gimmick of stuff that suggests one’s ability to create new products that other people are afraid of thinking. Branson has been termed as one of the new generation of the creative world. He took products that were already in existence and made them look original. He has revolutionized the airline business by integrating it with other business ventures like the Virgin Fuels and Space tourism. Virgin Fuels was designed to respond to global warming and exploit the insistence spikes in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Law Essays Capital Punishment

Law Essays Capital Punishment Does capital punishment have a deterrent effect on crime? Analyse this question with reference to either the UK or USA. Introduction Nowadays, in most of the Western world, capital punishment is considered an unacceptable, barbaric sentence that cannot be morally or philosophically justified. In the UK, it has been abolished since 1969, while Protocol six of the European Convention on Human Rights obliged the forty six member states of the Council of Europe to scribe off the death sentence from their penal codes. However, a number of US states retain the sentence with few politicians and theorists claiming that it has a strong deterrent effect. The purpose of this essay is to critically reflect upon this argument. Is capital punishment a worthwhile deterrent? The punishment theory of deterrence – which belongs to the utilitarian philosophy – is composed of two elements. The first is called specific/individual deterrence and is directed towards convicted offenders. In broad terms it aims to discourage them for their transgressions and thereby convincing them that crime does not pay. The second is called general deterrence and is directed towards potential offenders. It seeks to persuade them by the threat of anticipated punishment from engaging in unlawful conduct by illustrating the unsavoury consequences of offending. Therefore, by definition, capital punishment cannot fulfil the first element of deterrence since after its passing, the convicted offender dies. As for the second element of passing a lesson to the rest of the society, the views are mixed; although there is evidence to suggest that the impact of capital sentence is not as great as it would justify it. For example, according to Katz et al, the so far studies on capital punishment produce erratic and contradictory results, while most of them find that there is no deterrent effect. In fact, Shepherd’s 2004 study showed that executions are as likely to increase homicides in states following execution as there are states where there seems to be a reduction. In addition, a number of research experts have heavily criticised the so far positive studies on capital punishment for being methodologically unviable. For instance, Maltz recent evaluation showed that most of US studies ignored large amounts of missing data, relying only on two sources: the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the US Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.   Even more importantly, studies that directly examine the reactions of individuals to punishment threats constituently show the limits of the assumptions of rationality that underlie deterrence. In fact, according to the Annual Statistical Report of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, most offenders who are convicted to a capital sentence have cognitive impairments. This makes it even more unlikely that they are actually aware of executions. On the other hand, states without capital punishment such as New York enjoy declining homicide rates. The Uniform Crime Reports showed that over the last decade there was a 65.5% decrease in homicide rates. Similarly, Dugan et al showed that since the early 1970s intimate or domestic homicides have been declining at a steady pace regardless of fluctuations in the number of executions. Finally, according to the forthcoming study by Professor Berk, nearly all of the presumed deterrent effects of capital punishment are confined in one state – Texas – and only for a handful of years when there were more than 5 executions. Overall, the study proved that eliminating Texas eliminates any hint of deterrence from the relationship between execution and crime. Moving beyond the statistics However, it is not just the negative statistics that make capital punishment increasingly unfamiliar. Carter showed that offenders who are convicted to capital punishment usually come from poor backgrounds introducing an element of class discrimination in the sentencing system. Similarly, Keil and Vito’s study reported that blacks who kill whites seem to have the greater odds of receiving the death penalty than whites who kill blacks†. To conclude, the last two year research data show that capital punishment has hardly any deterrence effect, while a number of other side issues such as discrimination and selectivity reinforce the argument against its use. Berk, Richard. 2005 forthcoming. New Claims about executions and General Deterrence: D ej a vu all over again? Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Carter, Robert. 1965. The Johny Cain Story: A Composite of Men Executed in California. Issues in Criminology 1:66. Dugan, Laura, Daniel Nagin, and Richard Rosenfeld. 1999. Explaining the Decline in Intimate Partner Homicide: The effects of Changing Domesticity, Womens Status and Domestic Violence Resources. Homicide Studies 3:187. Katz, Lawrence, Steven Levitt, and Ellen Shustorovich. 2003. Prison Conditions, Capital Punishment and Deterrence. American Law and Economics Review 5:318. Keil, Thomas and Gennaro Vito. 1989. Race, Homicide Severity and the Application of the Death Penalty. Criminology 27:511. Maltz, Michael. 2004. The Effect of NIBRS Reporting on Item Missing Data in Murder Cases. Homicide Studies 8:193. Parisi, Francisco and Vermon Smith. 2005. Introduction in the Law and Economics of Irrational Behaviour: In press. Shepherd, Joanna. 2004. Deterrence versus Brutalization: Capital Punishments Differering Impacts Among States. Working Paper, Emory University Law School.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Women in the Work Force Essay -- Working Conditions Third World Americ

Women in the Work Force Working in a factory which is similar to living in a third world country is difficult. Horrible, intolerable conditions haunt workers at home and in the working environment. Women lead tough lives because they are dictated orders, by men, in and out of the house. Many women have families to support, so making little salaries is a strain on the family. The main issue with conditions in the work force is that management does not have a clear understanding of what the women and the children working are going through. Working conditions in third world countries are similar to some working conditions in America. In third world countries, a woman in the family has expected roles as a wife and a mother. According to Stromquist, â€Å"Roles provide the scripts people adopt in their interaction with others† (4). The mother of the family must keep everyone in order and on tack with their duties. There are women in the world who are never permitted to leave the house (Louie 98). The mother of the house takes care of the children, takes care of her husband, and takes care of all of the household chores. The woman does not usually have an outside role beyond the family. The man in the house will make sure this happens. In third world countries, the community has common expectations for all women. A woman should be portrayed as soft, sweet, affective, intuitive, obedient, and dependent (Stromquist 4). Women should show emotion and be overly motherly, which is opposite of the men. Women are assigned jobs such as caretakers, producers of goods, and services in the nonmonetarized household economy because they can use there motherly characteristics to help them with these jobs (Stromquist 4). These j... ...are enough to support a family. If managers could switch places with the workers there might be a better understanding of what actions need to be fulfilled in making factories a better working place for women. Then women workers would not have to suffer the way they do and would not have to make their children suffer either. Work Sited Boal, Mark. â€Å"American Sweatshops.† Mother Jones 24.3 (2002): 1-2. Roesch Library, Dayton, Ohio. 21 Oct. 2002. Fredericks, Ilse. â€Å"Mom’s battle to work in Sweatshops.† Sunday Times (South Africa). (2002): 1-2. Louie, Miriam. Sweatshop Warriors. New York: South End Press, 1990. Stromquist, Nelly P. Women in Third World Countries. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997. Vaknin, Sam. â€Å"Commentary: The Self-Appointed Altruists.† Financial News. (2002): 1-4. Women in the Work Force Essay -- Working Conditions Third World Americ Women in the Work Force Working in a factory which is similar to living in a third world country is difficult. Horrible, intolerable conditions haunt workers at home and in the working environment. Women lead tough lives because they are dictated orders, by men, in and out of the house. Many women have families to support, so making little salaries is a strain on the family. The main issue with conditions in the work force is that management does not have a clear understanding of what the women and the children working are going through. Working conditions in third world countries are similar to some working conditions in America. In third world countries, a woman in the family has expected roles as a wife and a mother. According to Stromquist, â€Å"Roles provide the scripts people adopt in their interaction with others† (4). The mother of the family must keep everyone in order and on tack with their duties. There are women in the world who are never permitted to leave the house (Louie 98). The mother of the house takes care of the children, takes care of her husband, and takes care of all of the household chores. The woman does not usually have an outside role beyond the family. The man in the house will make sure this happens. In third world countries, the community has common expectations for all women. A woman should be portrayed as soft, sweet, affective, intuitive, obedient, and dependent (Stromquist 4). Women should show emotion and be overly motherly, which is opposite of the men. Women are assigned jobs such as caretakers, producers of goods, and services in the nonmonetarized household economy because they can use there motherly characteristics to help them with these jobs (Stromquist 4). These j... ...are enough to support a family. If managers could switch places with the workers there might be a better understanding of what actions need to be fulfilled in making factories a better working place for women. Then women workers would not have to suffer the way they do and would not have to make their children suffer either. Work Sited Boal, Mark. â€Å"American Sweatshops.† Mother Jones 24.3 (2002): 1-2. Roesch Library, Dayton, Ohio. 21 Oct. 2002. Fredericks, Ilse. â€Å"Mom’s battle to work in Sweatshops.† Sunday Times (South Africa). (2002): 1-2. Louie, Miriam. Sweatshop Warriors. New York: South End Press, 1990. Stromquist, Nelly P. Women in Third World Countries. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997. Vaknin, Sam. â€Å"Commentary: The Self-Appointed Altruists.† Financial News. (2002): 1-4.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Banning Books Essay

Throughout history, books have been the target of censorship. At times, these books are even banned from schools and public libraries because the content in them is thought to be too offensive. For this assignment, you will be reading one of these banned books. Which book you read is your decision, however you should keep in mind the appropriateness of your choice- make sure it is a book that your parents would not find objectionable. After you have read the book, you will be writing a persuasive essay defending whether or not the book should or should not be banned from a middle school library. Your essay should include a paragraph that summarizes the book as well as three logical, defendable reasons why the book should or should not be banned from a middle school library. While you may look up the reasons why the book has been challenged in the past, the thoughts expressed in the paper must be your own. You are expected to use the information about persuasive essays learned in class to format this paper. A rubric outlining the expectations will be posted on my Teacher Page. Your essay must be typed and follow the standard requirements for an essay: double-spaced, Times New Roman, one-inch margins. Any secondary sources or research that you use must be documented with in-text citations and included on a Works Cited page. If, at any time, you have questions regarding the book you are reading or the essay you are writing, please ask me.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cost of Capital Essay

1. WACC is used for discounting cash flows in the future, thus all the modules of cost must reflect firm’s future abilities in raising capital. Cohen made the mistake of using the historical data in estimating the cost of debt yet the share price has changed considerably over time. The market value of equity should be used instead of book value. 2. Cohen calculates the cost of debt by taking total interest expense for the year 2001 and dividing it by the company’s average debt balance. This is an estimate of the true cost of debt, but is inaccurate and may not reflect Nike’s current or future cost of debt. 3. Cohen obtained the corporate tax rate of 38% which is used to calculate the adjusted cost of debt by adding state taxes of 3% to the U. S. statutory tax rate 35%. In WACC calculation, marginal tax rate should be used as a corporate tax rate for the future estimate. We can use Yield to Maturity (YTM) on 20-year Nike Inc. Bond issued in1996 of 6. 75% Cost of Equity The 20-year old U. S. treasury used by Cohen for a short-term investment of NorthPoint for the short-term 3 months to 1 year yields is more suitable. Given the risk-free rate (Rf) of 5. 74%, the market risk premium (Rm-Rf) of 5. 90% and beta value of 0. 80, we can calculate the cost of equity using the CAPM as follows: Cost of equity = Rf + ? *(Rm-Rf) = 5. 75%+0. 80(5. 90%) = 10. 46% Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) We calculate the WACC of Nike Inc. using the weights and costs of debt and equity using the following formula WACC = Wd Kd(1-T) + We Ke. = 10. 05% x 7. 5 %( 1-38%) + 10. 46% x 89. 95% = 0. 4682% + 9. 4083% = 9. 8765% The weighted average cost of capital for Nike Inc. is approximately 10% percent. Recommendation Given the stock price at WACC of approx. 10% ,stock price should be greater than $50. 92, which is higher than current stock price $42. 09. This shows that the current stock of Nike is undervalued and is discounted rate of 11. 17%. Cohen’s WACC of 8. 4% of the stock was undervalued compared to 10%. Therefore Kim Ford should invest in the Nike for her mutual fund.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

3 Key Tips for Writing Successful Tufts Supplemental Essays

3 Key Tips for Writing Successful Tufts Supplemental Essays SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Tufts University has a selective acceptance rate- right around 14 percent in 2016. You'll need a strong application to stand out from other applicants, including stellar essays. Luckily, this guide is here to help you out! In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know about the writing portion of Tufts University's application, including what prompts are available and how to answer them. Feature Image:Jellymuffin40/Wikimedia Commons If you want to study at Tufts' Ginn Library, you'll need strong essays.Nurcamp/Wikimedia Commons. What Should You Know About the Tufts University Essays? Tufts University uses either the Common or Coalition Application, so choose the one that works best for you. Each one has unique essays, so be sure you follow the correct prompt for whichever application you're using. Both applications have their own writing sections that you'll need to respond to. These essays are more general than the Tufts essays, but it's still important to follow guidelines and aim to impress with them. They're part of your application, and deserve your best effort! The Common Application has one set of prompts to choose fromand the Coalition Application has another, so do some reading ahead of time to plan for which one you'll answer if you need to fill out both applications for different schools. What Prompts Does the Tufts University Application Have? Tufts University requires you to apply to a specific school within the university during your application. This shouldn't be a problem if you already know what major you'll be applying to, and Tufts recommends not applying as undecided. The application should give you the correct set of prompts for whichever school you apply to, but if you want to get a head start, you can choose your preferred major from the drop-down menu on Tufts' Majors and Minors page. Under each major and minor, Tufts lists the school that major belongs to. This will let you figure out which set of prompts you'll be using, even if you're not yet ready to fill out the application itself- but always keep in mind that the prompts may change! If you're applying to the School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering, or 5-year Tufts/NEC combined degree, you'll have two essays. One is a classic "Why Tufts?" essay with a Tufts-specific twist, and the second prompt allows you to make your choice of two options. For applicants to the BFA or 5-year BFA+BA/BS combined degree program, you'll also have two prompts. The first is, again, a classic "Why Tufts?" essay question, while the other asks you to write an artist's statement for the work you're hoping to create at Tufts. Editing and revising is all part of the essay process- your papersshould look like this! What Are the Tufts University Prompts? Because the prompts vary between different schools, there's a lot of information to cover for how to write the ideal Tufts essay. But Tufts does provide some helpful advice- "Think outside the box as you answer the following questions. Take a risk and go somewhere unexpected. Be serious if the moment calls for it, but feel comfortable being playful if that suits you, too." In short, be yourself. Tufts doesn't just want to hear your academic qualifications, nor do they want to hear their qualifications as a good school recited to them- they already know! For School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering, and Tufts/NEC Degree Applicants: You have two essays to write for this section. Both are required, but the second prompt offers you two potential choices. The first prompt, which you have 200 to 250 words to answer, reads: What excites you about Tufts' intellectually playful community? In short, "Why Tufts?" At a glance, this is a pretty straightforward question. You wouldn't be applying to Tufts if you didn't already know that you wanted to go there, right? But always be aware that every other student applying to Tuftsalso knows that it's a good school. You can't just list qualifications back them; you have to dive a little deeper than that. Tufts makes a point of mentioning their "intellectually playful community." This can mean a lot of things, but consider what it means to you as a student. What Tufts wants to know here is not just what attracts you to the college, but also what you'll bring to it. Let your enthusiasm and fresh ideas shine! As a private research university, research is a heavy part of Tufts' academic focus. How do you bring "play" into that? What excites you about research and learning? As mentioned above, Tufts emphasizes that it's okay to be playful with your essay. Don't think too much about Tufts' qualifications- think about yours. Did you help your entire biology class prep for your final by creating a study sheet based on puns? How about turning your report onThe Scarlet Letter into a mock trial for Hester Prynne? These creative approaches to learning are precisely what Tufts wants to hear about, but be certain you tie them back to the school, too.You want to use this space to demonstrate how you'll both fit into Tufts' community and how the college will help you achieve your goals. The second prompt is a little more complex. It also has a word count of 200 to 250, but includes two options you must choose from: Now we'd like to know a little more about you. Please respond to one of the following two questions.A) Whether you've built blanket forts or circuit boards, created slam poetry or mixed media installations, tell us: What have you invented, engineered, produced, or designed? Or what do you hope to?B) Our Experimental College encourages current students to develop and teach a class for the Tufts community. Previous classes have included those based on personal interests, current events, and more. What would you teach and why? These two prompts are a great way to tell the admissions office more about yourself, particularly if you have extracurricular interests that you haven't had the opportunity to discuss yet. Both prompts are great choices, but consider prompt A if you're creatively oriented, and prompt B if you're particularly curious or have surprising interests. Of course, both traits can intersect- consider which way you'd most like to represent yourself, and choose accordingly. If you can't find this key on your keyboard, you'll have to invent it! How to Answer Prompt A In this prompt, Tufts wants to hear about your creativity and ingenuity. What you've created doesn't have to be revolutionary, but it does need to demonstrate your passion for creation. Tufts wants to see your creativity, your passion, and your problem-solving ability. Again, don't worry about impressing the admissions officers with a wild story about solving a public health crisis (though of course if youhave done such a thing, you should mention it!)- a creative solution to a simple problem is also valuable. For example, maybe your new and improved chore wheel improved the overall efficiency of getting things done at homeand convinced your little brother to finally start picking up his room. Or maybe your Twitch streams of relatively unknown video games introduced tons of people to games they'd never have picked up otherwise. Both of these examples demonstrate your desire to make something new! Think outside the box on this one. "I wanted to get good grades and I did," isn't a very interesting story. Think abouthow you got those good grades, such as with a unique studying strategy for by making a project your teacher had never seen before. Show off your big ideas! How to Answer Prompt B This prompt is an excellent place to show off your leadership and passion for knowledge. If you're an expert in a niche field- puppetry or being able to identify every plant variety within five miles, for example- you can share that knowledge with others through Tufts' experimental college program. What Tufts wants to see here is what interests delight and inspire you. What makes you want to learn and share that knowledge with others? Demonstrating your interests here shows that you don't just want to attend Tufts for the prestige or because your family wants you to. You want to be part of this community of playful, inspired learning, so use this prompt to show off your unique areas of interest and how you'd like to share them with others. Take a look through some of Tufts' previous and current experimental college offerings. Do you see anything you'd like to learn about? Are there any topics that inspire you to think up your own class? Any interest is a good one, but consider using those interests in a new way. If you're into fantasy football, considering pitching a class based on learning statistics through that lens. If you're an expert on ghost stories, turn that into a course that looks at representations of spirits throughout different cultures. Avoid being too straightforward with your ideas. Math is great! But Tufts already has plenty of math classes. They're also probably pretty well covered in the art department. What can you, specifically, offer that isn't already there? Tufts' SFMA school is all about the arts. For BFA, 5-Year BFA+BA/BS at SMFA Applicants: This section has two required essays. You don't have any choice over which prompts you'll be answering, which eliminates some of the struggle to choose the best option for you. The first prompt, which must be answered in 200 to 250 words, reads: Which aspects of the Tufts curriculum or undergraduate experience prompt your application? Why SMFA at Tufts? This prompt is similar to the "Why Tufts?" essay prompt, but with a slightly different focus. SMFA at Tufts is the School of the Museum of Fine arts program at Tufts, so it's definitely for those interested in the arts. The admissions office wants to see you demonstrate what exactly draws you to this school over others, and what specifically drives you to seek an art degree. What will you get out of Tufts that you couldn't get elsewhere? How will an art degree enrich your life, and how will you use that degree in the future? Colleges want to foster intellectual growth in their communities, which is why they ask for more than a standard "this is a good school" answer. They want to know why you want to attend, but they also want to know what you're bringing to the community. Browsing Tufts and SMFA at Tufts galleries are a great way to get some inspiration. Can you see your artwork fitting in there? What will you offer that isn't already represented? Think about art that you've created or art that you want to create. How will Tufts help you get there? What makes you want to pursue an art degree, rather than art as a supplement to another field? Clearly articulating your interest and commitment will demonstrate that you're a good fit for Tufts to the admissions office. The second prompt, also with a 200 to 250 wordcount, reads: Art has the power to disrupt our preconceptions, shape public discourse, and imagine new ways of being in the world. Whether you think of Ai Weiwei’s work reframing the refugee crisis, Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald’s portraits of the Obamas reimagining portrait painting on a national scale, or Yayoi Kusama’s fanciful Infinity Mirrors rekindling our sense of wonder, it is clear that contemporary art is driven by ideas. What are the ideas you’d like to explore in your work? This question dives a little bit deeper into your artistic mind. It's not enough to create art that is beautiful on a surface level- Tufts wants to know that you're thinking about your art meaningfully, too. This prompt is essentially an artist's statement, though it's focused more on your artistic intent on a large scale rather than on an individual piece. Look through some of your favorite art you've created and think about common themes and recurring ideas, even if you didn't intend for them to be there. What concepts are you trying to explore, even subconsciously? Consider not just what your art looks or sounds like, but also what it's made of and why you chose to make it that way. Think beyond availability or ease of use- always keep the question of "why" in your mind. Themes are good, but try not to go too general or invent something that isn't there. Much of art is about capturing beauty, so try to think deeper than that. And if you're going to claim that your art critiques or represents something, you need to be able to demonstrate that- analyze what you've created to show how it connects to your themes, don't simply project something over the top and hope that admissions officers don't notice it wasn't really there. Write a good enough essay and this could be you and fellow Tufts students. What Do Tufts Essays That Worked Look Like? Thankfully, Tufts University isn't shy about putting accepted essays online for applicants to browse. Consider writing out a draft or outline of your ideas before reading through these to avoid making them sound too similar. Even if you do it by accident, sounding too much like an essay that's already been accepted could be a red flag for the admissions office. "Why Tufts?" Essay That Worked I vividly remember stepping onto the roof of Tisch Library and seeing a group of kids sitting in hammocks, overlooking the Boston skyline. I briefly tuned out my tour guide's presentation and began to eavesdrop. The students covered everything from physics to what they had for lunch that day. When they spoke about physics, they did not speak with pretension; instead they spoke with passion. Likewise, when they spoke about something as simple as lunch, they did so with witty intrigue. Tufts students are as interesting as they are interested. This description not only resonates with me, it defines me. This essay does an excellent job of answering the questions at the core of the "Why Tufts?" essay. The writer channels an experience they had while at Tufts, detailing how listening in on other students solidified their desire to attend.They use words like "passion" to describe Tufts students, showing traits they also want to channel. The ending really hits on something important: this student wanted to be part of the student body because the students they overheard were not only interesting people, but alsointerested. Remember the prompts mentionof being "intellectually playful?" This is the perfect way to demonstrate curiosity, interest, and love of learning int he specific context of Tufts. "What Have You Created?" Essay That Worked When people talk about building something, creating it, they most often mean something physical. Engineers, architects, and laborers, these are the professions that I think of as making things. I've never been much of a builder, I lack that particular understanding of the world that is required to envision what you will build, and have never been coordinated enough to make much of anything with my hands, but I can create. What I have made is not something you can hold or touch, it spans no gaps and holds no weight, and I can't even claim to have laid a single finger on its construction. My creation is a poem, or rather, poems. Series of letters symbolic of sounds strung together to make words, which are in turn collected into lines and stanzas, pieces of a whole. My poems cannot be touched, but they can touch you; though they won't form a bridge, they can cross a divide; and while you'll never be able to weigh them on a scale, the weight of the ideas they hold can be felt the moment you read them. So I may not be an engineer or an architect or a laborer, but I am a creator. I craft words into meaning, forge lines into rhymes, and sculpt imaginations. So even if I can't hold what I make, I can watch it take shape and see its impact on the world. This essay does an excellent job of answering the question not just by stating the answer, but by embodying it. It's clear that the student is a writer; their language is vivid, immediate, and playful, demonstrating how strong their grasp is on word meanings and sentence structure. Importantly, this essay doesn't disparage other disciplines- it interprets poetry using language physical creators might use, such as "spans," "bridge," and "weight. There's a great deal of creativity and intellectual play in this essay, which serve to set the writer apart from students who might have focused more on the existence of the thing they'd built (a souped-up car engine, for example) than thefunction of the thing they'd built (a souped-up car engine that reduces carbon emissions, for example). When tackling this prompt, think about how you, too, can exemplify your creation in your essay. Think like a dolphin: smart and playful! Key Points for Your Tufts Essays Best practices for Tufts essays are similar to other schools, but there are some special considerations to keep in mind. Pay Attention to Tufts' Intellectual Bent Tufts makes a point of using words like "playful" and "intellectual." These suggest a curiosity about the world that goes beyond wanting to attend a good school because it's a good school. Keep them in mind as you're writing- how can you demonstrate your own curiosity and interest in the world? Remember That Tufts Is a Research University You'll be interacting more with graduate students than you would in other settings. Not only will this give you a leg up in applying to grad school, but it will also grant you the opportunity to think more deeply than if you were only exposed to other undergrads. Demonstrating an interest in learning from other students and participating in a learning community is a great way to show that you're interested in the unique experience of attending a research university. Choose the Prompts That Are Right for You Because Tufts has two different sets of prompts depending which school you'll be attending, be sure you select the right ones. Further, be sure you really maximize each prompt's potential- the rest of your application covers academics, so use your essay to showcase what really makes you stand out. What's Next? Before you get started on writing your essays, you'll want to know what kind of admission requirements Tufts has. Great essays are important, but you should also demonstrate academic success! Plan to get the best scores possible on your standardized tests, too. Reading about ACT and GPA requirements ahead of time can help you plan your academic strategy, as can reading about SAT requirements. Use these guides to get a head start! Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Police Civil Service Commission essays

Police Civil Service Commission essays At the Police Civil Service Commission there were three commissioners, along with the police chief, lieutenants and other officials. It is normally about 11 people in total, but this one was a little different with about 10-12 students and a reporter for the Bakersfield Californian. The three commissioners, Steve Anderson, Ken Vetter and William Perry are each elected to a three year term by the city council. During there term the will each participate as head-commissioner for one year. The meeting is started by the head-commissioner calling it to order and he states the time as well. Then roll is called by each member saying his or her name and title. Then the approval for the minutes of the last meeting is presented. After that, the head-commissioner opens the floor up to any public statements. At recent meetings, there hasnt been much public attendance, so not that much is said during that time. The next item on the agenda is the new business. First, any special orders are taken care of, such as appointments, promotions, retirements, etc. Next, all the new items are taken care of. At this particular meeting, the first was specifications for the new crime analyst job. Mrs. Valenzuela of Human Resources gave the commissioners the specs on the new job for review. After looking over it, one of the commissioners motioned for it and another seconded it. That is pretty much the procedure for all items put in front of the commissioners, in order for it to go through, it must be motioned and seconded. During the meeting, a certification of Police Detective/Lieutenant Eligibility List is presented to the commissioners for review. Once the list, of usually 10 or so people, is approved, the police chief is able to select whom he wants for the job out of the top three candidates. But this can only be done if the commissioners approve the list. At this particular meeting, there were no conflicts because everything put in front of ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

World War II Timeline From 1939 to 1945

World War II Timeline From 1939 to 1945 World War II (WWII) was a long and bloody war that lasted about six years. Officially beginning on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, World War II lasted until both the Germans and the Japanese had surrendered to the Allies in 1945. Here is a timeline of major events during the war. 1939 Sept. 1 may be the official start of World War II, but it didnt start in a vacuum. Europe and Asia had been tense for years prior to 1939 because of the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich in Germany, the Spanish Civil War, the Japanese invasion of China, the German annexation of Austria, and the imprisonment of thousands of Jews in concentration camps. After Germanys occupation of areas of Czechoslovakia not previously agreed to in the Munich Pact and its invasion of Poland, the rest of Europe realized it couldnt try to appease Germany any longer. The United States tried to remain neutral, and the Soviet Union invaded Finland. August 23: Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.September 1: Germany invades Poland, starting World War II.September 3: Britain and France declare war on Germany.September: Battle of the Atlantic begins. London after an air raid during the London Blitz, 15th October 1940. Central Press/Getty Images​ 1940 The first full year of the war saw Germany invading its European neighbors: Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, and Romania, and the bombing of Britain lasted for months. The Royal Air Force undertook nighttime raids in Germany in response. Germany, Italy, and Japan signed a joint military and economic agreement, and Italy invaded Egypt, which was controlled by the British, Albania, and Greece. The United States shifted to a stance of nonbelligerancy rather than neutrality so it could find ways to help the Allies, and the Lend-Lease Act (the exchange of materiel aid then for 99-year leases on property to be used for foreign military bases) was proposed late in the year. Popular opinion still didnt want Americans in another war over there. The Soviet Union, meanwhile, took part of Romania and installed Communists in the Baltic States, later annexing them. May: Auschwitz is established.May 10: Germany invades France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.May 26: Evacuation begins of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France.June 10: Italy declares war on France and Great Britain.June 22: France surrenders to Germany.July 10: Battle of Britain begins.September 16: The United States begins its first peacetime draft. German soldiers with Russian prisoners, Russia, 1941.   Print Collector/Getty Images 1941 The year 1941 was one of escalation  around the world. Italy may have been defeated in Greece, but that didnt mean that Germany wouldnt take the country. Then it was on to Yugoslavia and Russia. Germany broke its pact with the Soviet Union and invaded there, but the winter and Soviet counterattack killed many German troops. The Soviets next joined the Allies. Within a week of the Pearl Harbor attack, Japan had invaded Burma, Hong Kong (then under British control), and the Philippines, and the United States was officially in the conflict. March 11: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease bill.May 24: The British ship Hood is sunk by Germanys Bismarck.May 27: The Bismarck is sunk.June 22: Germany invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).August 9: Atlantic Conference begins.September 8: Siege of Leningrad begins.December 7: The Japanese launch a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.December 11: Germany and Italy declare war on the United States; then the United States declares war on Germany and Italy. Aircraft Carrier Yorktown Being Hit by Japanese Bomber during Battle of Midway. Bettman/Getty Images   1942 U.S. troops first arrived in Britain in January 1942. Also that year, Japan captured Singapore, which was Britains last location in the Pacific, as well as islands such as Borneo and Sumatra. By the middle of the year, though, the Allies started gaining ground, with the Battle of Midway being the turning point there. Germany captured Libya, but the Allies started making gains in Africa, and Soviet counterattacks made progress as well in Stalingrad. January 20: The Wannsee ConferenceFebruary 19: Roosevelt issues Executive Order 9066, which allows the internment of Japanese Americans.April 18: The Doolittle Raid on JapanJune 3: The Battle of Midway begins.July 1: First Battle of El Alamein begins.July 6: Anne Frank and her family go into hiding.August 2: Guadalcanal Campaign begins.August 21: Battle of Stalingrad begins.October 23: Second Battle of El Alamein begins.November 8: The Allies invade North Africa (Operation Torch). German POWs in Stalingrad in 1943. Historical/Getty Images   1943 Stalingrad turned into Germanys first major defeat in 1943, and the North Africa stalemate ended, with the surrender of the Axis powers to the Allies in Tunisia. The tide was finally turning, though not fast enough for the people in the 27 merchant vessels sunk by Germany in the Atlantic in four days in March. But Bletchley codebreakers and long-range aircraft inflicted a serious toll on the U-boats, pretty much ending the Battle of the Atlantic. The autumn of the year saw the fall of Italy to Allied forces, prompting Germany to invade there. The Germans successfully rescued Mussolini, and battles in Italy between forces in the north and south drug on. In the Pacific, Allied forces gained territory in New Guinea- to attempt to protect Australia from Japanese invasion- as well as Guadalcanal. The Soviets continued expelling Germans from their territory, and the Battle of Kursk was key. The end of the year saw Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin meeting in Iran to discuss the invasion o f France. January 14: Casablanca Conference begins.February 2: The Germans surrender at Stalingrad, Soviet Union.April 19: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising begins.July 5: Battle of Kursk begins.July 25: Mussolini resigns.September 3: Italy surrenders.November 28: Tehran Conference begins. 1944 American troops played a big role in battles to take back France in 1944, including landings on Normandy beaches that caught the Germans by surprise. Italy was finally liberated as well, and the Soviets counterattack pushed the German soldiers back to Warsaw, Poland. Germany lost 100,000 soldiers (captured) during the battle in Minsk. The Battle of the Bulge, however, postponed the Allies marching into Germany for a while. In the Pacific, Japan gained more territory in China, but its success was limited by the Communist troops there. The Allies fought back by taking Saipan and invading the Philippines. January 27: After 900 days, the Siege of Leningrad is finally over.June 6: D-DayJune 19: Battle of the Philippine SeaJuly 20: Assassination attempt against Hitler fails.August 4: Anne Frank and her family are discovered and arrested.August 25: The Allies liberate Paris.October 23: Battle of Leyte Gulf begins.December 16: Battle of the Bulge begins. ors Survivors of Auschwitz leaving the camp at the end of World War II, Poland, February 1945. Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images 1945 Liberation of concentration camps, such as Auschwitz, made the extent of the Holocaust clearer to the Allies. Bombs still fell on London and Germany in 1945, but before April was over, two of the Axis leaders would be dead and Germanys surrender would soon follow. Franklin D. Roosevelt also died in April but of natural causes. The war in the Pacific continued, but the Allies made significant progress there through battles at Iwo Jima, the Philippines, and Okinawa, and Japan started to retreat from China. By mid-August, it was all over. Japan surrendered shortly after the second atomic bomb was unleashed on the island nation and Sept. 2, the surrender was formally signed and accepted, officially ending the conflict. Estimates put 50 million dead around the world, including 20 million Russian civilians, and 6 million Jews, one-third of their worldwide population. February 4: Yalta Conference begins.February 13: Allies begin bombing Dresden.February 19: Battle of Iwo Jima begins.April 1: Battle of Okinawa.April 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt dies.April 16: Battle of Berlin begins.April 28: Mussolini is hanged by Italian partisans.April 30: Adolf Hitler commits suicide.May 7: Germany signs an unconditional surrender.July 17: Potsdam Conference begins.August 6: The United States drops the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.August 9: The United States drops a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia - Research Paper Example Ventilator is a machine assembled mechanically to transmit breathable air in and out of lungs. The ventilator provides a mechanism of air exchange for patients with breathing difficulties or unable to breath. Ventilator-associated pneumonia is a type of pneumonia that occurs after forty-eight hours when patients have received mechanical ventilation and intubated. Pneumonia is ranked second in most common nosocomial disease in the critically ill patients. More than 86% of nosocomial pneumonias are related to mechanical ventilation hence termed as ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The infection has major causes believed to be Acinetobacter spp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (Datta, 2013). According to the study, that was done from April 1, 2006 to January 31, 2008 at Radius Special Hospital in USA; it showed that for every twenty-three cases of VAP infection, 19 casualties were associated with 157 LTACH. The above translates to an infection rate of 14.6%, which corresponded to 1.67 cases in 1000 ventilator days. Microbial data proves that 91% of the patients who reported to the hospital had VAP infection. Patients with critically conditions which are intubated for more than 24 hours are at 6-21 times risk to develop VAP in USA. Mortality and morbidity associated with the VAP development are high, with the rates of mortality, which ranges from 20-41% (Datta, 2013). VAP increases critical care, ventilator days and hospital length of stay. There are two ways of managing VAP. One is based on semiquantitative or nonquantitative cultures and clinical criteria. The other utilizes quantitative measures of the respiratory specimens. The principal organisms responsible for the VAP infection are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterobacteriaceae. Etiologic agents are differing according to the patient’s population in an intensive care unit, prior antimicrobial

Friday, October 18, 2019

What is Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is Archaeology - Essay Example The concept of the study of archaeology seems very important since it explains the existence of human beings, and other natural features such as plants, and rocks in the society. Insights and knowledge that one acquires from the study of archaeology helps in understanding the origin of humans, and so on. One of the concepts of archaeology that one might need clarification on is the concept of how apes are the ancestors of human beings. The main question will be â€Å"why apes no longer evolve or why don’t humans evolve to become another creature.†? This concept seems unclear to many students because the concept of human evolution is not convincing, and other archaeological facts that history depicts (Davis, 2005). In conclusion, deeper explanation of these archaeological findings might be very important to the central and the larger context of the class. The nature of archaeology is complex in the sense that it has so much for students to learn, and it offers a lot of information that is debatable both in, and out of class. The study of archaeology is one of the most interesting concepts in history of all

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Summary - Essay Example In its most basic sense, the petrophysical model took into account nearly all the measurements as well as readings which were extracted from down hole using logging tools and hence the pertinent interpretations were derived as a result of the same. His assertion was that logging data and then finding out the readings are in essence elements that were all computerized and thus he was optimistic that the industry shall cease to make use of the old logs which used to be written on papers and later on saved within different packs of paper, all of which were cylindrical in shape and form. What this model did was to include different kinds of logs as it made use of a wire line data within its entirety. Further, the model focused on the basis of finding out how and where to complete the well as well as identify the net pay zone, and whether or not it cut off any data meanwhile. Mullen pinpointed after a thorough analysis a certain number of advantages related with this software which suggested that it was indeed pretty easy to learn and make use of, and it also cut back on the cycle time as nearly all logs were digital in nature. Moving on, this software played its due role at providing job treatment reports as well as other information which saved a lot of time as it employed the most advanced technological regimes. What is even better is that this software was considered very accurate as well as up to date with regards to its related understanding level. For instance, in GR logs it was able to distinguish each and every radioactive mineral in its own form so that a proper determination was sought as to whether shale or clay minerals and rocks could have existed, whilst understanding the same within the realms of the readings that were taken. Further it played its due role at differentiating the height of the reservoir, its permeability as well as the hydrocarbon pore volume. The orientation of naturally occurring fracture within the formation was also accounted

Explain the evolutionary mechanisms that can change the composition of Essay

Explain the evolutionary mechanisms that can change the composition of the gene pool - Essay Example In addition, certain evolutionary processes such as natural selection and genetic drift cause a decrease in these genetic variations (Colby; Lerner). Mutation is a phenomenon by which chemical changes occur within the DNA which in turn alters the sequence of the gene resulting in a mutant gene. The extent to which the DNA is altered depends on the type of mutation which could be a point mutation in which on letter of the genetic code is changed, insertion or deletion of a stretch of DNA within a gene or inversion, translocation or duplication of a segment of the DNA. Such mutations can produce truncated proteins, abnormal proteins or a silent mutation that does not introduce any change in the resulting protein. Hence a mutation can have both a deleterious as well as a beneficial effect on the organism (Colby; Lerner). In addition to mutation, gene expression within an organism also depends on the built-in natural variation that occurs within a gene pool. Not all genes within an organ ism are expressed as only those which are activated produce their respective proteins and are hence expressed in the phenotype. Such selective expression of genes is also responsible for the variations observed between each individual (Veith).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

EU Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

EU Law - Coursework Example It was held in Marshall v Southampton and South West Hampshire Health Authority that an anti-discrimination Directive that had not been implemented by the UK despite the expiration of time for doing so, could not be used against private parties. The ECJ’s decision was based on the rationale that Article 249 of the EC Treaty specifically stated that Directives were binding on the states to which they were addressed.3 The only real possibility for pursuing claims against private parties in cases where damages are sustained and claim would have arisen under an unimplemented directive is in cases where the private individual is under the control of the state, subject to some form of statutory control or provides a public service.4 Fattenem appears to be a private corporate body offering private services and thus cannot be characterized as an agent of the state. There are other possibilities for the residents and the gardener to pursue claims against Fattenem with respect to the un implemented Directive. The doctrine of indirect effect as enunciated in Francovitch v Italian Republic [1992] IRLR 84. In the Francovitch case, the Italian government’s failure to implement a Directive seeking to ensure that employees receive fair compensation when their employers became insolvent resulted in employees losing out on compensation. The court ruled that Italy’s failure to implement the Directive was a breach of its obligation to ensure that the result intended to be achieved was ensured. Thus Italy was liable to compensate the employees.5 Based on the doctrine of indirect effect as enunciated in Francovitch, the residents and gardeners can thus pursue Fattenem for damages relative to the unimplemented Directive. Based on the ruling in Francovitch, the right to take action indirectly is substantiated if it can be established that the damages complained of is exactly the result that the Directive intended to prevent. The Direction was clearly intended to pr event water pollution and the government’s failure to implement the Directive resulted in significant water pollution and damages. Essentially, the Francovitch decision established that individuals may pursue claims against the state in respect of damages sustained as a result of the government’s failure to implement a Directive if three conditions were satisfied.6 First, it must be established that the Directive must transfer some right to the individual complainants. Arguably, the Directive conferred upon the individuals a right to clean and unpolluted water. Secondly, the rights must be discernible from the wording of the Directive. The Directive clearly intended to prevent contamination of water in the areas of waste disposal by those who manufactured fertilisers. Thirdly, there must be a link between the government’s failure to implement the Directive and the corresponding damages complained of. The evidence suggest that the government’s failure to i mplement the Directive resulted in Fattenem’s progressive and unrestrained use of chemicals. The residents had not complained of pollution and contamination before. Thus had the Directive been implemented Fattenem would not have continued to increase its use of the chemical to dangerous levels. Essentially, the

To what extent has globalisation changed the nature of work Essay - 1

To what extent has globalisation changed the nature of work - Essay Example One of the main sectors where the new economy has been witnessed and experienced is in the workplace. This essay discusses how globalisation has changed the nature of work. Technological developments, which are driven by globalisation, have resulted in large-scale changes in the nature of the labour market or paid employment. Changes may involve greater part-time, casual, or flexible work, as well as adjustment in the level of risk or modifications in labour requirement amplifying the need for highly skilled workers (Berberoglu, 2002: 187-8). The nature of such transformations, and the degree to which they are pervasive all over the economy, are debated. Some scholars view globalisation as a catalyst of major transformations in the nature of work. A quite controversial perspective was introduced in the book The End of Work by Jeremy Rifkin (Berberoglu, 2002: 188). He claimed that the use of technologies across all segments of the economy, as motivated by the intensifying process of globalisation, was ever more disrupting and dislocating manual, human labour. In the past, as segments that had encountered new technologies reduced labour, the excess wage earners had been absorbed by some segments like retail, which had enlarged. However, the introduction of computers had depressing implications, Rifkin claimed (Ahier & Esland, 2013: 16): Now, for the first time, human labour is being systematically eliminated from the production process. Within less than a century, â€Å"mass† work in the market sector is likely to be phased out in virtually all of the industrialised nations of the world. A new generation of sophisticated information and communication technologies is being hurried into a wide variety of work situations. Intelligent machines are replacing human beings in countless tasks, forcing millions of blue and white collar workers into unemployment lines, or worse still, breadlines. But Rifkin also

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

EU Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

EU Law - Coursework Example It was held in Marshall v Southampton and South West Hampshire Health Authority that an anti-discrimination Directive that had not been implemented by the UK despite the expiration of time for doing so, could not be used against private parties. The ECJ’s decision was based on the rationale that Article 249 of the EC Treaty specifically stated that Directives were binding on the states to which they were addressed.3 The only real possibility for pursuing claims against private parties in cases where damages are sustained and claim would have arisen under an unimplemented directive is in cases where the private individual is under the control of the state, subject to some form of statutory control or provides a public service.4 Fattenem appears to be a private corporate body offering private services and thus cannot be characterized as an agent of the state. There are other possibilities for the residents and the gardener to pursue claims against Fattenem with respect to the un implemented Directive. The doctrine of indirect effect as enunciated in Francovitch v Italian Republic [1992] IRLR 84. In the Francovitch case, the Italian government’s failure to implement a Directive seeking to ensure that employees receive fair compensation when their employers became insolvent resulted in employees losing out on compensation. The court ruled that Italy’s failure to implement the Directive was a breach of its obligation to ensure that the result intended to be achieved was ensured. Thus Italy was liable to compensate the employees.5 Based on the doctrine of indirect effect as enunciated in Francovitch, the residents and gardeners can thus pursue Fattenem for damages relative to the unimplemented Directive. Based on the ruling in Francovitch, the right to take action indirectly is substantiated if it can be established that the damages complained of is exactly the result that the Directive intended to prevent. The Direction was clearly intended to pr event water pollution and the government’s failure to implement the Directive resulted in significant water pollution and damages. Essentially, the Francovitch decision established that individuals may pursue claims against the state in respect of damages sustained as a result of the government’s failure to implement a Directive if three conditions were satisfied.6 First, it must be established that the Directive must transfer some right to the individual complainants. Arguably, the Directive conferred upon the individuals a right to clean and unpolluted water. Secondly, the rights must be discernible from the wording of the Directive. The Directive clearly intended to prevent contamination of water in the areas of waste disposal by those who manufactured fertilisers. Thirdly, there must be a link between the government’s failure to implement the Directive and the corresponding damages complained of. The evidence suggest that the government’s failure to i mplement the Directive resulted in Fattenem’s progressive and unrestrained use of chemicals. The residents had not complained of pollution and contamination before. Thus had the Directive been implemented Fattenem would not have continued to increase its use of the chemical to dangerous levels. Essentially, the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dispositions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dispositions - Essay Example This helps the teacher observe and learn the student’s individual strengths and weaknesses and assist them to improve appropriately (Calkins, 1983). The classroom environment is comfortable. This is evident through the seating arrangement and the overall outlook of the classroom. This tends to boost the students morale and enhances their learning and development. The group seems to be comfortable with each other and this is seen through the interactions that they have. This improves their learning capability because the learners are at ease. 1b). Instructional delivery The instructional delivery used in this class situation is, the teacher has invited the students to participate in the writing process and this improves students’ interest. Once the student has developed an interest in what they are learning, it becomes easier for the teacher to get through to them. The teacher has also monitored the subject of the course that would create an exciting experience for the s tudents. In the video, one of the students talks of how much they love mother’s day. This is a topic that would excite the children. During the learning process, another delivery method that the teacher used is to let the children share a fond experience, which is expressed with their writing. 2. Analysis, Exploration, and Reasoning 2a). Student-teacher interaction The student teacher interaction observed in this classroom situation is the one to one consultation that the teacher has with her students. The teacher seems to be attending to the students at an individual level. This improves the learning capability of the student. The students are actively participating in the teaching-learning activities. The teacher also ensures that there is participatory learning whereby each student actively participates and contributes to the lesson. The lesson is not teacher-centered. 2b). Tone of the teacher-student interaction The tone that the teacher uses is very friendly and slow, an d is geared towards making the children comfortable. When the students are in a learning situation, the kind of tone the teacher uses can determine the level of understanding of the students. The teacher also uses a tone which ensures that all the students hear and understand what is being said because the tone is loud enough (Bransford, Brown & Cocking, 2000). 2c). Level of student engagement with the lesson In the observed classroom, the students are engaged in many activities. One of the activities is drawing a picture of a place of their choice then writing about that place. This kind of student engagement is essential for their learning. After the sharing sessions, the other students are given a chance to discuss the work that has just been presented. This gives the student a chance to share their ideas and correct their fellow student. The students also get to learn from each other as they exchange vocabularies. Not all classrooms have this kind of engagement. 2d). Setting exp ectations for academic performance How the teacher reacts to the performance of a student substantially determines how the student will continue learning. The teacher has to set expectations for academic performance for every class. In the observed situation, the teacher does so by giving the students small tasks and letting the students share the work they have done. With this sharing the students can see what the other students have done. This helps the students not to feel discriminated due to their performance and instead try to be better. This kind of academic expectation does not interfere with the student’s self-esteem while helping them at the same time. The students are also expected to listen keenly to and strictly follow the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Different types of tourism destinations

Different types of tourism destinations Introduction This report is going to look at the key appeal factors of France, USA, Spain and China. It will identify different types of tourism destinations and look at arrivals statistics to these countries. According to UNWTO (2008) in the Worlds Top Tourism Destinations 2008 first four places by international tourism arrivals were occupied by France, Spain, USA and China. First of all this report will identify the meaning of travel destination and tourist destination. A travel destination is the end point of the journey (Marvell and Hayward 2005). People travel to a destination for a variety of reasons, including holidays, business and visiting friends and relatives. A tourist destination combines travel with facilities and attractions that appeal to tourists (Marvell and Hayward 2005). There are many different types of tourist destinations; however this report will discuss coastal, urban and rural tourism and give examples of places that appeal to the destination. Main part Coastal tourism Coastal destination usually associated with the image of seaside resort. Holloway (2006) pointed that it is the most popular appeal of a destination. The attractiveness of the seaside resort is the combination of sun, sea and sand. Page et al. (2001) stated that it remains one of the most significant types of holiday in the world. The Spanish Costas are found along the southern coastline, on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Spain has many resort areas: Costa Blanca, Costa Almeria and Costa del Sol. While some of the Costa names may not be familiar, the resort of Benidorm is well known. Benidorm is the most popular resort in the Costa Blanca. According to Dale et al. (2006) resort attracts approximately five million visitors each year. Tourists are attracted by its wide sandy beaches and warm climate with average summer temperature around 30oC. The beaches are gently sloping and the water is warm and clear, making the sea safe for adults and children. Behind the sandy beaches are many high-rise hotels with plenty of nightclubs, bars, restaurants and casinos. There are places in France which are as popular as Spanish Costas. One of the famous seaside areas in France is the place called Cote dAzur which is famous for its resort Nice. It is a capital of French Riviera situated on the Mediterranean coast. According to Williams and Le Nevez (2007) Nice is well-known holiday destination on the Cote dAzur. Williams and Le Nevez (2007) in addition pointed that resort attracts visitors to take a delight in its beautiful beaches and warm climate. Tourists enjoy dining at the restaurants located along the French seaside. Appetizing seafood and delicious wines can be enjoyed at many seaside restaurants in this Mediterranean city. Nice has something for everyone: a medieval old town and other grand architectural monuments; a wide selection of museums; lots of bars and restaurants of all standard and type; the fine Mediterranean climate; and of course easy access to beaches. Besides, America is very famous for its beaches too. According to Fry (2008) places like Florida or California, or even further to Mexico, the Bahamas and the Caribbean are popular tourists destinations. According to Fry (2008) Florida is well-known for its famous Florida Keys and the resort of Key Largo. The Keys are long, low islands at the south of Florida. This place has many beaches and blue waters that are popular with divers. The Keys are also famous for swim with dolphins. Urban tourism Urban tourism is another type of tourist destination. Holloway (2006) stated that towns and cities attract many tourists by growing interest in cultural activities for example visits to museums and art galleries, leisure activities like shopping, and entertainment to sports. There are many different towns in France, Spain, USA and China which are famous for its rich culture and heritage, delicious food and designer shops. Holloway (2006) says that Paris in France, Madrid and Barcelona in Spain are popular destinations where tourists arrive for city holidays. They combine all the factors for a good stay: high quality hotels and restaurants, fine museums, outstanding architecture, festivals and many beautiful eye-catching shops. According to UNWTO (2008) Spain ranked on the third place in terms of arrivals-57, 3% in 2008, with France continued to lead the ranking of the worlds major tourism destinations in terms of arrivals-79, 3% in 2008. The French capital Paris has a reputation as a very charming and romantic city with popular attractions, including the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre museum, Notre-Dame and Arc de Triomphe. According to Law (1996) there are approximately 800 festivals held annually in France. The theme varies, but amongst well-known is festival related to the cinema-Cannes. Law (1996) stated that attractiveness of the Paris is incomparable and millions of tourists come here to admire the elegant beauty of the city, enjoy its rich cuisine and certainly exclusive shopping. Law (1996) also says that Barcelona is a very amazing town too, known for its rich culture, architecture and unforgettable beauty. On city break in Barcelona tourists will enjoy museums, statues on the streets, delicious Spanish food and famous boutiques. According to Holloway (2006) cities like New York in USA and Shanghai in China are popular tourist destinations for shopping. By UNWTO (2008) the USA is ranked second in arrivals-58, 0% in 2008 and China held onto their 2007 position in terms of arrivals and ranking fourth-53, 0% in 2008. As an example, according to Zhang et al. (2005) China is the worlds factory where can be found just about anything. Chinas biggest city is Shanghai. Zhang et al. (2005) says that it has a status of cosmopolitan centre of design. Shanghai is a fantastic shopping destination. Shopping here is simple and suitable for all type of tourists. Shanghai has a range of shops from roadside and boutique shops to the busy shopping centres where different types of goods and clothes can be bought. And finally, New York undoubtedly has a lot to offer to its visitors. New York has many attractions, including the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, museums and Central Park. And also its well-known for shopping. The Fifth Avenue offers a range of fashionable shops. Broadway offers entertainment in the evening and the range of nightlife. Rural tourism And the final type of tourist destination is countryside. The combination of lakes and mountains attract different markets. Leisure visitors enjoy the scenery, while more active tourist enjoys climbing in summer, and do winter sports at other times. According to Andalucà ­a website (2009) Spanish countryside will give a chance to enjoy the peaceful and calming environment of old-fashioned villages. There is a large variety of accommodations like cottages, farmhouses and mansions. It will offer to visitors a variety of activities like, walking and trekking, horse riding, cycling and mountain bicycling, bird watching and camping. Andalucà ­a for example is the best place for camping, mountain bicycling and horse riding. It offers almost a year-round sunshine and wide natural environment. French Alps on the other side are very popular to active-minded tourists like skiers and snowboarders. According to Collins (2004) the Alps has more than 200 resorts and one of the famous is Chamonix. Chamonix is an alpine town which a best place for ski lovers. Collins (2004) says that sky-scraping mountains, majestic ice falls and glaciers will make everyones journey memorable.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

War Poem about Leaving Love :: essays research papers

Leaving Love My love is pleading with me Telling me not to leave her I can feel her agony deep inside myself too She is on her knees begging Our bond of love is strong, I feel terrible to leave her But I then departed, I gave her my heart Then my journey to the army I started In training now Preparing for a war That will soon be upon us In which my head shall bow For my country or more For months now working Training in long, hard sessions Of every hour, and every day Countless soldiers scream in depression They want to be back home. And when I lay on those small, hard beds Deep in the coldness of the harsh, metal frame And wrapped in nothing but a thin, cotton sheet I lay and try to forget my pain On my body and in my heart. Don?t Fall Back Holding the lines In deep, dark, snowy trenches Plague infests us all and the smell of the dead stings my nose when I take in a breath. As I shoot the other people down I take their lives for my own And when I look up above the trench to shoot again All I see is pinpricks of light They look at me with the knowledge of a thousand stars And they stare into my innermost soul, where it is dark They see my soul shrinking, like the waning of the winter moon My heart can feel it too It feels as though it is being wrapped up tightly Wrapped in the bloodstained snow around me Beauty, which is a lie, a lie of the glowing light A light, which is truly dead A light whose sparkling beams are knives stabbing into my heart Icy fingers reach out to my soul The fingers of life and death Sent by the moon With the icy fingers, those brilliant beams and the moon They each send an ever sparkling, iridescent light to show dark patterns in the snow Am I to live? I care not, as long as I have my one love Lost in Memory I am now free from war Free from the deaths That occur right next to me Forever waiting for disaster This obsession is draining my life I am drowning in my own sorrow and pain I look at the stars sometimes For hours on end, I watch them, I reminisce the war

Saturday, October 12, 2019

death penalty :: essays research papers

Death Penalty: Revised During this class period today, seven adult men will be falsely accused of committing a serious crime, carrying a penalty of capital punishment. This means approximately 51,000 adult men are falsely accused of committing serious crimes each year. This figure is roughly the number of people who attended Super Bowl-Thirty-Three. Currently, there are 3,500 people on death row in thirty-eight states that support and carry out the death penalty while only twelve states have outlawed it. At the same time, more than half the countries in the world have abolished the death penalty in law or practice. Capital punishment is very relevant to each member of society. It is not just a male only issue. Every single one of us in this room has a father, brother, or significant others who could be affected. Capital punishment in America is morally unjust and should be eliminated because it is cruel and unusual; it kills innocent people; and it is used in a discriminatory manner. Sometimes criminals suffer more during their executions than is anticipated or planned. People sentenced to death are certain to face one of the following methods of execution still practiced today: firing squad, electric chair, lethal injection, gas chamber or hanging. But, injecting with poisonous chemicals, smothering with toxic gases, and electrocuting with high voltage are the preferred methods because bloody human tissues are not strewn about, as with other methods, therefore those people assigned to scour the execution site are less likely to experience psychological trauma. Although tidy, these styles of killing rarely succeed on the first attempt; instead, prisoners regularly suffer intense pain for long periods of time before expiring. According to Seideman, the case of Scotty Sutton is one example of many bungled executions that take place every month. While administering a lethal injection, all the executioner’s attempts to find a vein have failed. Scotty started moaning and heaving in agony signaling a partial dose found his blood stream. Realizing the dose was not enough to end his life the executioner tried several failed attempts in the neck area hoping to find a main artery. Meanwhile, 300 pound, Scotty is still breathing after five minutes into this botched execution. The chemicals that were prepared and on hand have been seriously depleted. In a last ditch effort, the executioner signaled for help and directed a prison staff member to cut away a portion of the thick canvas jacket to expose an area of his chest to deliver a lethal dose directly into his heart; moments later Scotty expired (3).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Gender Ideologies in Local Context Essay

Present essay deals with analysis of gender ideologies’ functioning in certain local contexts. The latter is discussed through the prism of interactionist approach, which seems to be the most effective in terms of describing micro-level at which gender ideologies function. It provides with possibilities for studying how performative, discourse and social strategies of actors realized in local contexts are embedded in general gender ideology framework. For the present analysis a bar was chosen as the local context, where field study was conducted and gender ideologies’ reflection in interactions between men and women were analyzed. The central research question of this paper, hence, may be formulated as follows: how do gender ideologies shape interactions between men and women in bar or night club? Gender ideologies in local contexts: interactionist approach. Gender ideologies represent certain social and cultural constructs, which structure the perception of female and masculine identities, societal roles, family status and production relations etc (Philips, 2). Gender ideologies should be understood as a product of social structure, which fosters different roles of men and women in society. For instance, it may be said that currently dominant perception of women in society was formed within predominantly patriarchal discourse. Paradoxically, patriarchal perception of women affects their own gender ideology and identity, which often corresponds with socially constructed identity. Hence, women’s interactions with men are affected by the absence of their organic self-identity – they are forced to interact within the discourse created by men. However, the latter is realized through women’s own discursive system, which may be described as the micro-level of gender ideology. As Lakoff suggests, women and men learn their distinct languages from the childhood, which being the part of universal language, in fact reflect different identities in gender interactions (Lakoff, 222). Interactions, according to interactionist approach are based on endowing of certain subjective actions of the Other with meaning and symbols (Blumer, 45). In gender interactions, such meaning is ascribed to actions, based on gender ideologies. For instance, as Lakoff suggests of women’s discourse, ‘If she refuses to talk like a lady, she is ridiculed and subjected to criticism as unfeminine’ (Lakoff, 222). The latter example shows that gender ideologies are genuinely embedded in gender interactions, because they form the frame of understanding, actions’ meaning and behavior. Moreover, as Lakoff suggests, there exist considerable differences between women’s and men’s use of vocabulary, especially as far as the use of strong words, adjectives and particles are concerned (Lakoff, 223-224). The latter may be evident in any local context, including gender interactions in bar or nightclub, as it would be shown. Any local context activates specific aspects of gender ideology. According to Philips, notwithstanding culture, ‘There are at least four aspects of human experience that regularly enter into gender ideologies. These include work, appearance, sexuality and reproduction’ (Philips, 8). There is no denying the importance of the fact, that in the interactionist context, analyzed in this paper, such aspects as sexuality and appearance come into play in the first place. Based on these general theoretic considerations concerning gender ideologies let us analyze their reflection in concrete location’s context of bar, based on the empirical data collected in the field study. Gender Ideologies in gender interactions in bar Field research for this study was conducted in Dirtbags Bar and Grille in Tucson, AZ on June 1, 2009 during 10:30-Midnight. The data collection orientation focused on observing how gender ideologies affect gender interactions in this situational context. The first observation includes objective behavioral patterns of men and women during their visit to bar. It was established as a fact, that men may arrive to bar both in 3-4 individuals groups and alone. Women, as the field study found never arrive alone, but only with their boyfriend of female friend. The latter situation may be interpreted through the prism of Butler’s approach to gender identity construction. According to Buttler, identity is constructed based on repetition of certain behavioral patterns, gestures, discourses etc (Butler, 519). The latter implies that social structures, existing in society already provide women with stable behavioral orientations, taught to them by their families, older friends. One of such behavioral codes, which are immediately linked to gender ideology may be described as the cultural taboo for visiting entertainment public places alone. Such taboo is connected first of all with institutionalized male perception of women, being alone in the bar or night club, as the invitation for sexual relations. Based on this perception, visiting bar alone for women automatically means moral fault, since she is immediately associated with prostitute etc. Unlike women’s case, in men’s gender ideology the problem of man’s visiting bar alone does not exist, since it is not problematized as gender issue at all. Therefore, it is evident that men have more behavioral options and may choose between them to one’s own like. Buttler suggests that gender identities and ideologies are constructed through theatrical and performative interactions (Buttler, 520). The latter is particular evident in women’s focus on their dress, while visiting the bar. Women are more prone to put the emphasis on their own clothes and comment on the apparels of their female friends. They often made complements concerning good dress of each other. As the same time, men regularly have no tendency to comment on the clothes of their male friends. Instead, they often make complements to women concerning their dress. The latter observations show that gender ideology functions through performative and theatrical behavior reflected in the culture of dressing. Men are relatively indifferent to what their friends wear, however, pay much attention to what women wear. The performative and theatrical role of gender ideologies is also evident in women and men behavior, when they enter the bar. Women express much more willingness to be noticed by public, including both men and women, as they immediately look for people they know. Unlike, women, men seem to be less tied by any social obligations as they often go straight to the bar and order drinks and only after this greet people they know. Moreover, a bar serves for men a spot to sit down, while women prefer staying near the bar and being attentive to what is going on around them. Gender ideological conventions concerning sexuality are also evident in the types of drinks ordered by men and women. First of all, male gender ideology is obvious in the wide-spread practice of ordering drinks by men for women, especially as the part of acquaintance or showing sexual interest. Such behavior is often welcomed by women, who are embedded in gender ideologies of men, because women are prone to interpret such attention as the marker of sympathy and often use it in their own interest. As far as the type of beverages, drunk by men and women are concerned, men usually do not differentiate between different drinks, while women often order low calorie beverages such as ‘diet coke and Bacardi’ or sugar free redbull. The latter shows that the majority of women are embedded in the discourse relating to their appearance and sexuality, which is according to Philips is one of the central aspects of gender ideology (Philips, 9). Women, embedded in gender ideology, try to follow its main conventions in any local context, including bar. Gender interactions in bar are also characterized by both and men and women behavior directed at emphasizing correspondingly their femininity and masculinity. Men in the conversation with women always try to lower the pitch of their voices, while women often raise it. As Tannen suggests, such strategies are inherently gender, because they are affected by existing ideological representations of femininity and masculinity (Tannen, 169). In these ideological representations masculinity is characterized by the low pitch of voice, which is associated with men authority and women’s high pitch, associated with her secondary role in society. Gender socialization patterns in bar are also very informative, as far as the reflection of gender ideologies is concerned. Women feel more comfortable always being in company either of their female or male friends. In contrast, men may be either alone or in company without any differentiation. For women being in company guarantees the stability of her identity, because she may fully realize her performative and theatrical patterns of behavior. In contrast, being alone often causes negative gender connotations. Gender interactions in a bar are predominantly initiated by men, when a member of a male group offers a drink to a woman or a group of women. Often women refuse such invitations, however, in a majority of cases they agree even if they feel compelled and uncomfortable in communicating with the large group of men. A man being alone, however, is less prone to initiate conversations with women, than if he finds himself in company. There is no denying the importance of the fact, that the discussed pattern of gender interactions in bar reflects certain features of dominant gender ideologies. As Butler suggests, gender interactions are regulated by social sanctions and taboos (Butler, 520). One of such taboos may be formulated as follows: women are generally not eligible to initiate gender interactions with men; such priority solely belongs to the latter due to their primary role in gender relations. The realization of this taboo is particularly evident in bar context, where women generally behave in such a manner in order to stimulate men’s interest, however, their own interests is hidden from public. A woman may be interested in communicating with a given man, however, due to certain gender limitations she is more likely to refuse from her ambitions. Moreover, men usually feel uncomfortable when gender interactions are initiated by women, because it is usually mocked up in his male company. Hence, it may be postulated that taboos and limitations relating to gender interactions exist both in male and female gender ideologies. If a woman and a man know each other they usually greet by hugs, kisses and even if they are not engaged in romantic relations, they often show some kind of flirting. In personal interactions between men and women gender ideologies are also evident in men’s primary role in initiating tactile closeness with women, especially after alcohol drinks, including closeness, flirt, kisses, hugs, joking etc. Women, interested in such gender interactions, would not hesitate to communicate and flirt. However, a woman, who feels uncomfortable in this situation, according to the field study conducted, tries to use any possibility to escape from such kind of interactions. Gender ideologies are also embedded in the purpose of men and women’ visiting bars. Men usually visit bars to chase after women and find the object of their sexual desires etc. Women may also visit bars in this purpose, however, their clear intentions are not seen so obviously as that of men, hence, we may speak of dubious nature of their purpose. Such distribution of gender roles clearly resonates with dominant gender ideology, according to which men have the priority in initiating close gender relations. As far as dancing practices in bars are concerned, men are less prone to dance alone; however, women have no qualms about it. Men prefer dancing if they want to initiate interactions with women – in such a case they dance close to her. Apart from this, gender interactions in bar are often characterized by age limitations. Older women rarely visit such kind of places; however, older men may be seen there more frequently. Conclusion Gender ideologies represent language reflection of certain social and behavioral patterns of men and women and society. They usually refer to different social roles, types of discourse, sanctions and taboos and behavior of men and women. The analysis of gender ideologies in local context of bar showed that they are reflected in concrete interactions. Men and women usually act according to well-established gender conventions of behavior, which are reflected in initiating interactions, purpose of bar visit, behavior in groups, intersexual behavior etc. Women seem to be considerably affected by their representation in men gender ideologies, which means that they have no behavioral choices. In contrast, men’s behavior is characterized by the possibility of choice between a wide range of options. Men may be either alone or with friends, initiate gender interactions or not etc. Women have virtually no choices: they have refuse from initiating interactions, positively respond to any men’s attempt to initiate communication, always be in a company etc. Moreover, gender interactions in bar reflect crucial social perceptions of women sexuality and appearance, which are the first aspect of gender coming into play in bar context. Women put emphasis on their appearance and clothes and often try to present their identity in performative and theatrical way, which according to Buttler, immediately links such kind of behavior to gender strategies. In contrast men, pay less attention to such things and behave in a more casual and free way. Finally, men’s behavior in a bar is regulated by the lesser number of social sanctions and taboos. References Blumer, Herbert (1969). Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Berkeley: University of California Press. Butler, Judith. (1988). ‘Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory’. Theatre Journal. Vol. 40 # 4, (519-531). Lakoff, Robin. Extract from Language and Woman’s Place. Philips, Susan U. (1999). Gender Ideology, Cross Cultural Aspects. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. Tannen, Deborah. â€Å"She is the Boss†: Women and Authority.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

Whose responsibility is it to ensure the obesity epidemic is reversed? Schools, Parents, Government, Community and/or the media. What can be done? Discuss using examples from the article and any other information you can bring to the discussion. Everyone should play a major part in ensuring the obesity epidemic is reversed. Parents play the most vital role in this. As a parent it is your job to make sure to bring up your children correctly this doesn’t mean just giving them an academic education it involves making sure they are healthy, getting regular exercise and have an understanding of nutrition.Parents are the key to start the ball rolling in maintaining healthy dietary habits for their children, if this isn’t done correctly by the parents their children will most probably end up being overweight as teenagers, ‘long term consequence of childhood obesity is its persistence into adulthood, Once a child is overweight or obese it is unlikely that they will sponta neously revert to a healthy weight, predisposing them to the health concerns’(World Health Organization 2000, Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic, WHO Technical Report Series 894).Parents need to understand that they are the role models for their children; if they do not eat correctly and do not exercise their children are most likely to follow in their footsteps. A survey done in 2007-2008 on the obesity epidemic in Australia the results were that in ‘2007-08, 61. 4% of the Australian adult population were either overweight or obese, and 24. 9% of children aged between 5-17 were overweight or obese’ (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008, National Health Survey 2007-08, Cat 4364. ). Kids need to have a more active lifestyle, the issue is now days kids entertain themselves with technology such as computers, television and the Xbox. Parents need to spend time encouraging their children to be more physically active, by doing this they also need to b ecome more physically active. Simple things such as taking their children for a bike ride, taking them to the park, playing a game of sport with them.They need to put more focus on encouraging their children to be outdoors. Every little bit of physical activity will make a difference to the child’s wellbeing. Schools, The Government, The Community and the media can all make a difference in making sure the obesity epidemic is reversed. Schools can make sure their students get a minimum of 30 minutes daily exercise, they can help educate the children on nutrition and correct dietary habits and can provide healthy ptions in their canteens, ‘Only a quarter of Australian high school students eat the recommended four or more vegetables a day’ (Canberra times article- Battle of the bulge, Peter Jean). Media at the moment shows fast-food advertisements at least 4 times during an add brake. Children who are sitting on a couch watching TV are being brain washed by fast-foo d commercials, there for only wanting to eat fast-food such as MacDonald’s. The Government can control the media and controls the schools. They can make changes to the schooling curriculum to add more daily exercise.They can put a stop to the excessive fast-food advertisements that fly across our TV screens. As a community we all play a vital role in making sure children are healthy, this involves weekend sports, and community run sporting activities for young children and even adults. But this will change nothing in reversing the obesity epidemic if parents don’t start to take responsibility for their children and start by giving them the correct dietary needs and regular fitness to kick start their healthy life style.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Office Automation and Group Collaboration Software Essay

As the business becomes smaller and smaller due to globalization making the business environment more dynamic and competitive, organizations of today are fast realizing the importance of information as an critical asset to successes. This in turn increases the importance of automated soft wares and group collaborations systems, which make information management and use more efficient and effective. This articles explores how Office Automation and group collaboration Systems like Groove are increasingly applied to manual business functions in a network of computers in an organization, which help in business communications, writing reports, saving information and statistics, and group of people working on a project from different location and same or different time frames, all integrated in automated software which saves both time and money increasing the work productivity of the employees. An office automation system heavily relies on a network of workstations in order to create an uninterrupted and fast approach to sending and receiving information in a timely fashion. This can be a local Area Network or LAN for local destinations, for example a network of computers with in a building etc or it can also spread across countries through a Wide Area Network (WAN), which can also be use send instant messages across . this network also provides a secures work space for individual workstations to share and work on documents using groove as a group collaboration software. The functions of an Office Automation System include electronic publishing soft wares which allow users to create documents, edit them as and when requires, insert tables, charts or any other graphics, electronically store important documents and even print them in the form of memos, periodic or ad hoc reports and letters, all these functions are performed by word processing soft wares where as a desktop publishing software can also be used for professional documents for examples brochure, and by making use of available templates for magazines etc Then we have Electronic communication soft wares, as a part of the Office Automation System used for face to face communication with executives in other cities or countries through desktop video conferencing incase of two employees communicating with each other, or electronic collaboration systems which allow different work groups to communicate face to face with each other and work on projects via a network of computers regardless of the geographical location. Another important branch of Office Automation Systems is Telecommuting which now makes It possible for employees to work from home or distant locations avoiding long distance travelling, traffic by connecting to the organization’s local or wide area network. One of the greater advantages of telecommuting is that it allows organization to use the untapped pool of the handicapped people and single parents who for reasons of their own cannot come to the work place. Other advantages of Office Automation Systems is that it also incorporates image processing and presentation and multimedia soft wares like PowerPoint, SPC Harvard Graphics etc which allow the users to edit and integrate both image and texts, videos etc and share it using work collaboration systems. Another important advantage of group collaboration soft wares in this era of globalization is that it allows work groups to work on and share information and coordinate activities at same place same time or different place, different times ensuring a smooth work flow through out the wide spread organization. Although Office automation and group collaboration software make work life a lot easier for us, yet one has to be cautious about the limitations they offer along with the advantages. The soft wares can be used for personnel use unrelated to work. For example instant messaging can be used to discuss topics other than work which wastes both time and office resources. As far as group ware is concerned they can be expensive, may require extensive training, mat not support the rapid changes in technology and due to the availability of company related information with different people at different places it can also lead to a leak in critical information. Therefore, after realizing the importance of automates software and group collaborative system which without any doubt increase work productivity and make coordination of various work activities very easy for us, one must be aware that it does come with certain limitations for which caution should be exercised. After all, information is a critical asset which needs proper management.