Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Thousand Splendid Suns: Analysis

Create questions you would ask the author and at least one of the people in the book. Include why you would ask each particular question, and connect the question to a specific event (quote with page #) in the book. If I were to ask questions to the author and characters, they would be about their experiences. The one question I would ask Khaled Hosseini is, All the characters in this book were granted poetic justice, but why not Mariam? Mariam did nothing monstrous to deserve execution; her act of killing Rasheed was done in self-defense and the defense of Laila. Nonetheless, she suffered the shame and punishment from the government under which she lived in. â€Å"Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam. †pg. 364 Even though Mariam’s execution was injustice in my eyes I believe that for Mariam her death sentence was an legitimate end to her life which had legitimate beginnings. Before her death sentence, she recites lines from the Koran asking for mercy and forgiveness which portrays her humbleness and her dedication to loved ones in her life. I would like to ask Mariam why she refused to call witnesses at her trial. Why did she not try to escape with Tariq and Laila? Calling witnesses to her trial could have proved to be beneficial to Mariam; she might not have been sentenced to death but she didn’t even try. â€Å"Remembering the last time she’d signed her name to a document, twenty- seven years before, at Jalil’s table, beneath the watchful gaze of another mullah. pg. 364 There was still a little hope left her, her dreams were to see Laila and Tariq happy and to watch Aziza and Zalmai grow but just like that she gave it all up. Her life had not ended but she still acted as if there was nothing that could be done; she herself gave up her hopes which contrasted her character at the beginning of the book. Lastly, I would like to ask Kh aled why was Laila not given a chance to attend university and complete her secondary education? It is obvious in the early stages of the book that her dream is be educated and educate others so that she can play a women’s worthy role in their society. Her young self is contradicting to what her character becomes. I wonder why after building her family and living in peace she didn’t have the desire to attend university. She had a good opportunity and I feel it would have benefited her and her family a lot. One question I would ask Laila is why she wanted to move back to Kabul? Wasn’t she done with all the suffering and painful memories she endured there? â€Å"†¦Where do we go from here, Tariq? How long do we stay here? This isn’t home. Kabul is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ pg. 390 I realize it was her homeland, she grew up there and the Kabul they left during the war was now half restored; though why would she risk the lives of her family members and their freedom they obtained in Murree. â€Å"It’s a good life, Laila tells herself, a life to be thankful for. It is, in fact, precisely the sort of life she used to dream for herself in her darkest days with Rasheed. †

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Safety and quality

I believe that there are positive and negative consequences in the safety and quality affecting the delivery of healthcare today. For example, in the past patients used to be on prolonged bed rest following surgical procedures thus the promotion of atelectasis, pneumonia, thrombus formation and so on†¦ Positively, the safety and quality has evolved by enforcing patients to ambulate early, use tri-flows, apply ted hose and sequential compression devices have eliminated the amount of these post operative complications. Also advanced technological inventions, such as laparoscopy, have lessened the extensive hospital stays. According to Dr. Porter-O’Grady, â€Å"Thirty years ago today when somebody entered the health care system for surgery, 86% of the times, they were inpatient. Today, 83% of the people who come through the health care system are outpatients. † However, negatively, after several procedures patients are sent home in a matter of hours and many of these patients wind up in emergency rooms. This was my experience last month, after a diagnostic laparoscopy. At the hospital I felt fine. After a couple of hours when the anesthesia wore off at home, I was in an incredible amount of pain, had urinary retention, and to this day my voice after being intubated is not the same. The staff was professional and comforting but I was disappointed that no one told me about these potential adverse effects. Also, many patients who have cesarean sections and are discharged after 2 to 3 days visit the OB/GYN triage with wound infection, wound dehiscence, and other complications. We are steered by such strict guidelines placed upon us by insurances and Medicaid that we do not have adequate time to monitor the patients for side effects from the procedures and I believe this is a negative impact on the nursing practice. It has become a prominent concern on OB/GYN triage, due to insurance and Medicaid does not pay for re-admits, thus meaning the unit is losing money when it is bombarded with these patients. We need to remember as nurses patients expect us to be proficient and will advocate for them. â€Å"We need to hold on the fact that nurses have been leaders in the health care and society, and that is something we need to act on and emulate and leave for the next generation. † (Mason, 2005) This issue does affect our job because the patients’ experience will be negative if they assume that they are receiving insufficient care.

My sisters wedding

I had the pleasure of meeting my sister, Jamie, for the first time. Jamie is four years younger than I am and we share the same biological father, Ben. Our Grandmother brought us together, she planned a day for my family and my sister to meet at Sea World. Jamie and I were very similar, we had the same nose and smile, and we resembled our biological father, who we both have only met a few times In our lives. It was a terrific day, and when It was over and before It was time for us to return home, my sister invited me to her wedding.This essay is about her adding. I arrived at the Baltimore Airport on a warm but breezy late Friday afternoon. The airport was very busy, all of the people scurrying around, looking for flights, bags, and loved ones. I found a cab and proceeded to my hotel. The cab driver was very quiet, he hardly spoke a word, only asking for the address. Baltimore is very different from Florida in almost every aspect. The highways are always much busier, and the curves o f the roads make It hard to keep up with if you don't know where you are going.The view was the cab window was Joyous, all of the trees, all of the hills, I was leaning excited. We arrived at my hotel, I checked In and found my room. Room #513; It was on the fifth floor and had a wonderful view of a big park, one king size bed with a fluffy bright comforter, and a bathroom with a huge soaker tub. I was happy. My cell phone rang; it was my Grandmother asking how my flight and my room were. We talked for a while, and she let the rest of the family know I landed safely. The loud ticking clock on the wall reminded me that it was getting late.I said goodbye to my Grandmother and went to find that amazing tub. The hotel room phone startled me with its very sharp and shrill ring; it was my wake-up call. Today was brunch with the family and then the wedding, both at a romantic Bed and Breakfast in the woods. I arrived right on time. All of my family from my Grandmother's side was there, Aun t Cindy and her husband Troy, my cousins, Sarah, David, Lynn, Crystal, Robbery, and all of their family, my other Grandparents, Joe and Cell, and many people I haven't yet met. The room had such an excitement to It, everyone talked about the plans of the day.Jamie called me over ND we sat and chatted, I met her soon-to-be husband, Kevin, and their daughter Skylark. Skylark was four years old and very talkative and happy, â€Å"Are you coming to my Mommy and Daddy's wedding? † she asked. â€Å"Of course! † I stated and she continued to talk about her dress and how it matched her Mommy's and her part in the wedding. As brunch came too close; the wedding party took their separate black limos to the venue. The rest of the family stayed and chatted for a bit. I arrived at the venue with my Grandmother. The place was gorgeous, it was a large cabin nestled in the woods with a peaceful pond behind it.The wedding took place in front of the pond, with the Officinal standing at t he front of the aisle, and the bridesmaids and groomsman walked slowly to Join him. Everyone In the crowd was Just glowing. There were cameras flashing and people crying. The ceremony was beautiful and ended right at sunset. All of the guests were given a sparkler for the recession, and it looked amazing against the dark sky. The party moved into the huge with her new husband as they were dancing up a storm. What a glorious day it was and my family and I were so glad to be a part of it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Planning (Spanish Restaurant) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7250 words

Business Planning (Spanish Restaurant) - Essay Example The key for gaining success for ALJARAFE restaurant in the market of the UK will be to provide unique as well as contemporary dining experience, to control the expenses and to concentrate of employee retention. Through proper planning, ALJARAFE restaurant will also aim to create an atmosphere where every employee will be satisfied to work and thus, will render greater contribution towards delivering high quality products and services to the ultimate customers. Focusing on this aspect, the report presents a comprehensive business plan including the description of the business, product as well as service offerings, industry analysis, market segmentation, marketing plan, operation plan and key financial requirements as well as projections. With respect to consumer market, the restaurant segment of UK is considered as the fourth biggest segment. It has often been argued that the foodservice segment of the UK is complicated in comparison to grocery retail segment. In accordance with the study of United States Department of Agriculture, the UK’s foodservice segment is divided into two separate dimensions which are ‘profit stores’ and ‘cost stores’. In profit stores, profit acts as the key motivator of business, and thus, pricing of products and services becomes flexible. This type of business approaches can be identified in restaurants, pubs and hotels. On the other hand, in cost stores, prices of products and services are controlled to avail quality goods at lower product cost. This type of businesses can be found in educational institutions, prisons and hospitals. In the UK, restaurants are the most prevalent in foodservice industry. There are numerous independent players which dominate the restaurant segment in the UK. Illustratively, in the year 2004, about 90% of restaurants were signified as independent restaurants (Agriculture & Agri-food Canada, 2011). 2.1 ALJARAFE Restaurant’s Relative Position ALJARAFE restaurant is a proposed restaurant business which will be located in Manchester city, UK. ALJARAFE restaurant will aspire towards being established as a remarkable, fresh and causal Spanish restaurant which will provide variety of food menu with particular appeal to Spanish fragrances. While maintaining rigid principle towards profit generation, the restaurant will also aim to create a notable and rich eating experience for the customers. The legal form of the business would be based on a sole proprietorship model. This legal standing has been selected because it is the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summer school Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summer school Personal Statement - Essay Example When I studied in junior classes, I understood that I love photography. But I did not have a camera. I just watched nice pixes and admired their beauty. Fortunately, now I have a camera, so in free time I can do what I really like. Thanks to my hobby, I met new interesting people and even found good friends. Communicability is one of my positive qualities. Also, I consider myself as responsible and serious person. At school teachers and classmates always can count on my help. I hope that these qualities will help me to become a businessman. In addition to this, to implement such goal I need to improve my leadership qualities. Furthermore, I like writing. When something catches my attention, I want to incarnate it not only in the form of the photographs. I want to write on the paper what I see and feel, and it is great to show the emotions in this way. I try to dream up, because I want my poems and stories are more interesting and exciting. The first acquaintance with your courses began from collecting particular information about it. I can say that on your courses I will be easy to get knowledge. I am sure my teachers will be real professionals. Moreover, I will be able to study with people, who will have similar interests with me. So we will discuss the different details and share our knowledge. Thus, I want to attend the Summer Challenge program to improve my skills. I am sure that they will make me more confident person, who preparing for a new phase of the life after graduation. No doubt, this year is really hard for me. I will have to pass exams and go to university. Before entering I must completely be confident in my knowledge. In conclusion, I would like to say that if I attend your courses, I promise to be a worthy member of the team. I do not want to miss the chance to help myself. Ill try to be positively adjusted and strong. My efforts will not be in vain. I will be available for interview at any time after a graduation my school. Also, I will

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economics - Assignment Example (Anderson and Cavangh, 2004)Â   The unemployment rate accelerated from 9.7 percent to 9.8 per cent in September 2009. The US economy had lost 7.2m jobs since the beginning of the crisis in 2007 and about 15.1 million people were looking for jobs. The worst hit was the construction sector, which witnessed as many as 64,000 job losses. The manufacturing and the retail sectors were no exceptions where the employer cut down were 51,000 and 39,000 respectively. In this scenario of joblessness, where the growth in the unemployment rate was showing a northward trend I had to come up with a policy to address the issue on a more serious note. There is no doubt about the fact that outsourcing enhances globalization and opens trade which has been proved to be beneficial for both the parties engaged in it but at the same time it reduces the number of jobs available to the domestic workers. So a policy implication has to be made to stop outsourcing of jobs.(Anderson and cavangh , 2004) To overco me the unemployment issue in the country I have come up policies, which would stop outsourcing of work.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Steven Johnson Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Steven Johnson Syndrome - Essay Example The essay "Steven Johnson Syndrome" discusses the effects of Stevens Johnson’s syndrome that causes immense damage to an individual’s skin layer. Stevens Johnson Syndrome is a disease that leads to severe complications amongst individuals. It damages the skin and causes prolonged irritation. SJS is a serious disorder that individuals should not neglect based on its detrimental effects. They should identify symptoms and seek assistance promptly to guarantee individuals safety. The disorder’s main symptoms include flues like complications, painful red, blisters and purplish rash. The symptoms cause the top layer of skin to die or shed off. SJS is a deadly skin disorder that damages individual’s skin layer and compromises the functional level of the mucous membrane. The disorder results from the reactions that individuals experience when they take a certain type of medicine or injection. The body reacts to the medication due to the evident incompatibility or allergy. It compromises the functionality of individual’s skin layer causing irritation. â€Å"The rash evolves suddenly, characterized by wild spread blisters on an erythematous or purpuric macular background†. It leads to psychological and mental complications since it presents severe effec ts that diminish an individual’s self-esteem. Individuals persistently receive advice concerning properly prescribed medicine to avert severe body damage due to reactions. They should understand the need for the acquisition of proper diagnosis.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Using the Concept of Network Externalities in Detecting Monopolistic Essay

Using the Concept of Network Externalities in Detecting Monopolistic Practices as in the Case of Microsoft Company - Essay Example they are connected in a virtual network. Examples of compatible products are computer hardware and software, phonographs and records, and television sets and programing. In extreme cases, network externalities may cause markets to fail as when an inferior product ‘tips’ the network towards adopting it over a superior product because it arrived first (Page & Lopatka, 1999, p.955). A market is said to have ‘tipped’ when it settles on a single standard for a product, such as software platforms (p.960). Proposition: ‘Microsoft acted illegally to extend its monopoly power.’ Corporate acts deemed anticompetitive are those that foster competition not on the merits, and lead to insufficient distribution compensation. An example is when a sufficiently large number of distributors agree to exclusivity over a sufficiently lengthy period, because this tends to drive rival firms out of the market. Distributors who have not by then signed up with the dominant firm will then have to pay a monopoly price (Rasmusen, Ramseyer & Wiley, 1991). Microsoft, as dominant firm intending to defend its market position, undertook four actions with regard to Internet Explorer (IE) vis-a-vis original dominant browser, Netscape Navigator: (1) Microsoft invested massively in browser technology; (2) IE was zero-priced; (3) Microsoft signed exclusive distribution contract with Internet access providers; and (4) Microsoft bundled IE with Windows. The court found that investment in browser technology and zero pricing were not uncompetitive, but declared exclusive distribution contracts and tying or bundling arrangements as uncompetitive (Klein, 2001, pp.46-47). Arguments in favor of illegality Microsoft engaged in actively ‘tipping’ the market, thus preventing the adoption of what could...This paper offers a comprehensive review of the concept of network externalities and its practical applications in helping to detect the uncompetitive actions f rom companies. Using the example of the Microsoft company, the essay exhibits its possible excessive use of dominant market position, through the help of provisions of network externalities theory In separate cases, governments (the US and EU) and attorneys in class action suits claimed that Microsoft’s contracts with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) were exclusionary and anticompetitive, thereby maintaining its operating system (OS) and later its internet browser. These allegedly caused consumers to pay higher prices, discouraged innovation, and restricted trade in violation of the Sherman Act. Microsoft countered that it was not a monopoly because it still faced strong competition in a dynamic industry; its success was procompetitive because consumers benefited from its software distribution; and imposition of antitrust remedies would reduce innovation instead of encouraging it. Corporate acts deemed anticompetitive are those that foster competition not on the merits, and lead to insufficient distribution compensation. Microsoft’s OS provided a platform with network and family effects, and its contracts, while exhibiting some arguably anticompetitive characteristics such as imposing penalties, also includes terms that provide exceptional value to its customers that, as in the case of AOL, tangibly improve their businesses.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Teachers' stages of concern Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Teachers' stages of concern - Research Paper Example Globalization compels all countries to undertake substantial changes in their education agenda to be able to cope with such changes. Among these is the need to cope with technology. The demands placed upon the workforce, in terms of technology competencies, have made nations conscious of the need to integrate technology into school curricula, to prepare the youth for the demands of the future (Hord, Rutherford, Huling-Austin, & Hall, 1987; Hishamuddin, 2005). Tinio (2003) succinctly puts that the justification for the promotion of ICT in curricula worldwide is to equip students for the future requirements of the work setting. The latter strongly required the use of ICT, specifically computers and other online resources. This makes computer literacy a requisite for success in a technology-driven world (Tinio, 2003). The move to integrate technology into education entails the use of technological tools in pedagogy, including the Internet, blogs, digital cameras, other electronic and di gital tools to enhance the teaching process. Moreover, Pierson (2001) notes that educational reform will only be authentic if it goes beyond the acquisition of hardware supportive of technology, but a real, open adoption of strategies that will enable such integration into the school curriculum. Pierson (2001) adds that the requirement for computer literacy is apparent in daily tasks required of students both in their homes and within the educational institution. This demand entails teachers to gain knowhow of content, instruction, and technology that are apt for student progress. It is thus critical for teachers to know how to integrate technology into their teaching approaches (Pierson, 2001). The differences between the conventional and novel uses of technology emphasize the idea that teachers can utilize technology to enhance pedagogical approaches towards the enhancement of student learning (Cognition and Technology Group at

SC2C67C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

SC2C67C - Essay Example , Middle and Far East for new workers, providing them with British citizenship and inviting them to take up jobs within the UK labour market (Kenny; Briner, 2006: 3). The UK workforce has steadily become more multi-ethnic in the past five decades (p.31). Gender: The number of women working away from home has increased several-fold, with the proportion of women in the workforce nearly equal to that of men, and steadily increasing. But, in terms of remuneration, choice projects or promotions, they are discriminated against. Age for retirement around the mid-fifties is considered too early in present times, with men and women perceiving themselves to be capable of several more years of employment. Employers’ preference for younger people is prevalent, with educational qualifications and energy counting more than experience which veterans may have. Ethnic and Racial Discrimination: In a study, among those who reported discrimination at the work place on the basis of ethnicity or race, 28 % reported being passed over for promotion, 21% reported being assigned undesirable tasks, and 16% reported hearing racist comments Dixon, et al, 2002 quoted in (Nelson; Nielsen, 2005: 18). Migration to the United Kingdom, and settlement patterns mean minority ethnic people now make up 8% of the UK population residing mainly in the larger cities like London and Birmingham. UK Government projections show that, because of their younger age profile, minority ethnic people account for 50 per cent of the growth in the UK working population between 1999 and 2009 (Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, 2003 as quoted in Kenny; Briner, 2006: p.3). Ethnic minorities like the Africans also are represented as a significant proportion of the population, many of them having their roots in Britain since several generations earlier. Ogbonna (1998) quoted in Kenny; Briner (2006: 14), states that a â€Å"vicious circle of unequal opportunities† commonly affects the motivation of unemployed minority

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

None - Essay Example However, at the end of his life, he was forced to live; he decided to leave a written record of his life so that someday his family might know about his hidden appreciation of relations (Mauriac, 1933). This paper will attempt to integrate the Lewis’s theories of love with the story named Vipers’ Tangle and focus on finding out the application of these theories at various stages of the story. Lewis identified two important forms of love people experience during their life span. These are Gift and Need Loves (Lewis, 1960); respectively, the first form of love drives an individual to work in order to provide a safe future to his or her family, and the second one compels a person to share his or her worries with the close ones. However, these two loves should keep moving parallel to each other and co-exist in harmony because if an individual shows only need-based love, this will make the family consider him or her as apathetic and unwilling to struggle for his familyâ€⠄¢s better future. On the other hand, if a person keeps on earning millions while devoting virtually no time to his or her family, the family will consider a person greedy, mean and indifferent. The relation between Louis and his son Hubert took a series of interesting turns during Louis’s life. ... At the same time, Louis unsuccessfully tried to give Need Love to his son, but it was too late. Nevertheless, Hubert and Louis’s tendency to care for each other could not play a significant role in bridging the gap between them. So these men lived apart due to their ego, which hindered both of them from accepting their mistakes of the past (Mauriac, 1933). In the light of this story, it is important to appreciate the supportive role of family in the time of difficulty because warmth of family is an effective stress lifter. However, Louis lived away from love of his family and had to face a great deal of stress while fulfilling his professional obligations (Rupert et al., 2012). As a result, his life satisfaction dropped significantly, which made him become agitated. Due to these reasons, his loneliness grew intense in the last years of his life. In Lewis’s view, Louis kept demonstrating Gift Love towards his family members during the all his life, which resulted in his painful loneliness. However, Louis attempted to show his Need Love for his family, but it proved ineffective. In general, both characters had some changes in the kinds of love that they showed; each one of them started with either Need Love or Gift Love and ended up with the other. At first, Louis only showed Gift Love to Hubert, and this is why he was considered as mean, for he was not close to his family. However, after he had become old, Hubert was compelled to provide for him, which is a change from Need Love to Gift Love, whereas Louis, even though it was too late, started giving his son Need Love as he could no longer offer Gift Love. Conclusion Vipers Tangle’s theme is that humans are fundamentally

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Accuracy Of Sensory Information Essay Example for Free

The Accuracy Of Sensory Information Essay There are many reasons to believe the accuracy of sensory information. Here are three feel, see and smell. Feeling sends a message to your brain letting you know what something is. Just say you have been blind folded and an object (cake) has been placed in front of you. In feeling the object you would be able to tell the texture and what the object is. See provides you with accurate information about your surroundings. For instance, if you see individuals playing chess it is certain that they are actually playing. Another good example would be children playing kick ball, what you see is what it is. Smelling means that there could be danger but not in all cases. When there is a desirable smell that could sense that something is cooking or a fragrance. Now there is the type of smell that senses danger. For instance, the smell of smoke means something is on fire. Now I would describe the inaccuracy of sensory information. In the past we all have jumped to conclusions at some point and time. Just say there is a case where you walk in a room and everyone starts to look at you. There’s no doubt that they are looking at you but you sense that they may be talking about you. Now this could mean that you are just insecure and feel that everyone is against you. Your surroundings can determine the action of your sensual organs. Like going down a street and you notice that your car is the only one on the street. The first thing pops into mind is maybe this street is closed or everyone is in a building. If the street was closed it looks like there should be some type of signage. Regardless of the sensual organ we are using it’s not always accurate. This is why we shouldn’t be dependent on them. Nature and nurture is a very debatable topic. Research is still being conducted about the debate on nature and nurture. Nature is said to refer to the qualities of an individual. It has been proven that nature not nurture was responsible for intelligence. On the other hand the genes are nature as well which the physical and personality state is. The physical state consist of weight, eye and hair color. Personality state would be how the person is defined to self and others. On a more personal experience that is considered to be nurture. The way that you were raised or the relation to your childhood plays its role. One’s personal traits are predetermined by their genes. Now overall it’s due to life experiences that define that individual. In my view of nature and nurture I see it as not being stable. There is no doubt that both nature and nurture plays a part in whom we are. When it comes to nurture or otherwise known as environment, it has a higher impact on which we are as individuals. We as humans have brains that all receive a different message. The amount of education a person receives doesn’t tell exactly their level of intelligence. Now it does have some effects on beliefs, behavior and intelligence. Not the person as a whole does it has an effect on. It’s only human that we learn from each other. Being influenced or develop ways of thinking and acting coincides.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The International Strategy Of Coca Cola Company Marketing Essay

The International Strategy Of Coca Cola Company Marketing Essay In this essay we are going to study about the international strategy of Coca-Cola Company using the IR framework for the Indian market. Coca-Cola Company is world known organisation. The growing market around the world mostly depends upon the technologies, knowledge and integration of market, it clearly demonstrates the flow of knowledge, services, goods and capital through different nations and in which creating the competition on a world-wide basis creating an integrated global space is called globalization (Porter, 1986; Albrow, 1997; Friedman, 1999; Gupta et al, 1999). Its a very challenging task for any organisation to move from domestic market or home market to international market, especially for those organisations which are facing saturated market in their home country (Yip, 2003). The process of globalization is interdependence and integration of countries exchanging different trade, culture, outsourcing, capital investment and the growth of the nations relationship. Busine ss systems, knowledge and unification of culture have led to globalization (Daniels and Krug, 2007). Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 by Dr. John Stith Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia (Palazzini, 1989). The main reasons for the global venture are cheap labour, distribution and transportation, communication and information technology, cultural convergence, increasing disposable of the global middle class, extension of IP rights, reduced trade barriers, privatization programs and development of international standards (Stonehouse et al., 2000;Denton and Al-Shamali, 2000). India was rated the top international investment opportunity among 30 emerging markets for mass merchant and food retailers looking to expand globally (Business Credit, 2006).. After losing the Indian market previously the company re-entered in the Indian market in 1993 and now have 7000 distributors and more than 1.3 million retailers in Indian market. Today the Coca-Cola Company is the leading non-alcoholic beverage company with ten different products. Coca-Cola Company is now the largest distributor, manufacturer, mar keter of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrup which operate in around 200 countries (coca-cola, 2010). If its international venture is successful then the brand name and the brand value increases for the company. Literature review: A Company operating internationally faces two forces of pressure of local responsiveness and pressure of global integration (Daniels et al, 2009). In 1987 Prahlad and Doz came with a IR framework on internationalization, their IR framework created a big platform for the study on global business which helps to form an international strategy that has multi dimensional contextual setting. IR framework has limitations for the global industrial competition specified only for the first stage, vagueness in the concept that defines the bond between industry forces and finally lack of proof for supporting the framework (Rugman et al, 2006). Bartlett and Ghoshal (2008) further studied and came with some additions in IR framework and came up with 4 strategies that are international, global, transitional and multi-domestic approaches to the foreign market. The Global Strategy adopted by Coca-Cola can be critically analyzed using the IR (Integration/ Responsive) framework proposed by Bartlett, Gh oshal and Beamish (2008) and Hill(2009). Figure 1: IR- Framework ` The global standardization products and services focus on huge profit, but they compromise on their products price. The marketing research, production and research are done in precise regions with some certain standard and it is sold globally. So those type of products face a huge pressure in reducing the price according to the place where it is sold for example Intel, a chip company (Hill, 2009). According to Bartlett and Ghoshal (2002), a solution for the cross border business is Transnational, which is considered as the important approach for the international market. The transnational strategy gives a lot of pressure to the company for cost reduction and local responsiveness. This could be achieved by transferring the precise skills and expectations of the company from the home country to the needs of the foreign country, where they compete with the local market with reduced price for example Caterpillar (Hill, 2009). Entry Modes: Every organisation looks for the opportunity to expand their business across borders, and finding the appropriate entry mode is an intricate task for international business. Different organisation chose different entry modes, to control foreign operation with strategic decision making and which are compatible with the laws of government and culture of the country. There are various modes for entering in the international market like exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures with the host country firm, acquisition, and wholly owned new subsidiary in the foreign Country (Hill, 2009). Joint Venture: it is one of the method of entering and sharing of ownership between two or more firms. The percentage of the ownership varies according to the organisations. The firms holding majority of share will have a tight control on the strategy (Hill, 2009). International joint venture benefits the firm from the use of local market knowledge of the host country, culture, competitiveness, legal and political system and development. From International Joint Venture the risk can also be shared with the local partner. Joint Venture has disadvantages also when a firm enters into a joint venture it risk giving control of the technology to its partners. Another disadvantage is if the share of joint venture is not that high or 50-50% then it does not give a firm the tight control over subsidiaries that it might need to realize experience curve or location economies (Hill, 2009). Used by PepsiCo to enter in the Indian Market. Acquisition: it is another method of entering into the international market by acquiring or buying and combination of different companies that can aid, finance, or help a company in a given industry without creating a new business entity (Hill. 2009). Used by Coca-Cola to enter Indian market. It is important for the organisation to consider factors such as the nations long run profit potential, the economic benefits of that country, the market size, and purchasing power of consumers and customers which is linked to the economic growth rate when entering in the market (Hill, 2009). Global Strategy of COCA-COLA: (Zhang, 2010) Indian market is one of the major developing economies in the world. The Indian economy is one of the worlds fastest growing, with gross domestic product (GDP) expanding at an average annual rate of about 7.5 percent for the past three years (Choi, 2006; The Economist, 2006) and the retail market expanding 10 percent on average (Business Credit, 2006) (anon). The Indian retail market, an estimated $250 billion annually, is the worlds eighth largest market and is projected to grow by more than 7 percent annually (Embassy of India, 2007-Cited in Halepete, 2008). The Coca-Cola Company is mentioned as a global company with global products and global activities. In 1980 the company was moving towards centralised control. At that time the motive of the company are to be global in order to expand geographical wise into many of the countries in which the company does business today. In 1990 the world began to start smaller and smaller as a town for the global companies. Globalisation forced changes to appear so fast that many countries could hardly manage the new global environment. As a result, the very forces that were making the world more connected and homogeneous were simultaneously triggering and preservation of unique culture identity. The world is demanding greater flexibility, responsiveness, local sensitivity, nimbleness, speed, transparency and local sensitivity had become essential to success (Draft, 2000). Coca-Cola Company sees itself not as a global organization, but as a multi-local enterprise (Svensson, 2001). Coca-Cola Company historical strength came from operating as a multi-local business that for a very long time relies mostly on the insight of local bottling partners. Thats why the global strategy of coca-cola allows its business in more than 200 countries to act according for local laws, local culture, and local needs and so on. Coca-Cola pursues an assumed global strategy, allowing for differences in packaging, distribution, and media that are important to a particular country or geographical area. Hence, the global strategy is localized through a specific geographic marketing plan. Instead of applying a global strategy, it is likely to be a strategy of thinking globally, but acting locally. The global success of Coca-Cola is the direct result of people drinking it one bottle at the time in their own local communities. So we are placing responsibility and accountability in the hands of our colleagues who are closest to those billions of individual sales (Draft, 2000). This signifie s that if their local colleagues develop an idea or a strategy that is the right thing to do locally, and it fits within fundamental values, policies, and standards of integrity and quality of the Coca-Cola Company, then they have the authority and responsibility to do so. At the same time, they will be accountable for the outcomes of the idea or strategy. It is apparent that a company such as the Coca-Cola Company has realized the weaknesses and the deficiencies of applying a genuine or true global strategy approach in their worldwide business activities. To be in high favour of local ultimate consumer adaptations is emphasized as crucial for their business activities to be prosperous. Therefore, their multi-local strategy approach is still going strong and adequately for the companys worldwide business activities. In addition Gould (1995) states that coca-cola has become a part of peoples daily meal, a price at which anyone can buy and it is available to people in any part of the world. The IR framework has been used to critically analyse the global strategy of Coca-Cola. COCA-COLA COMPANY saw that there is an opportunity in Asian market and their home market situation is saturated. COCA-COLA COMPANY decided to re-enter in the Indian market in 1993. Indian government plays a major role in every international company and had a law that any international company have to become a partner in Indian market with an Indian company. To overcome this problem COCA-COLA COMPANY acquisition of local Indian popular brands including the THUMS UP (the most trusted brand in India), Mazza, Gold Sport, Citra and Limca providing a good base not only in bottling, manufacturing and di stribution assets but also very good strong consumer preference(Kaul, 2003). From this acquisition the leading Indian brands join the family of global brand and its products like coca-cola, diet coke and others. From this acquisition Coca-Cola enables to exploit the benefits global branding and global trends in taste while also tapping in other domestic markets (Lane, 1998). Coca-Cola adopted the standardisation strategy to produce and sell its standardised products globally (Rodrigues, 2009). Coca-Cola Company do franchise with the local manufacturing bottling companies through which they have a local response and local touch. In India COCA-COLA COMPANY have 46 bottling plants from which 22 are company own and rest are the franchise operated plant (Coca-Cola, 2010). After re-entering the Indian market in 1993 the COCA-COLA COMPANY operations grown rapidly through a model that supports local business which includes over 1.3 million retailers and over 7000 distributors across the country. Coca-cola has been successful in the global market as well as Indian market because it follows the local strategies and is able to deliver as per the needs of the local people by manufacturing and distribution by the local company (Hill, 2009). In manufacturing the product the water which is used is local from which the customers get the local taste. The company have an approach where in, their business does not get influenced by the area of sales. Rodrigues (2009), states that Coca-Cola pursues the global strategy of producing diverse products as per the local culture. For instance in India people prefer sweeter coke. Also Coca-Cola launched Georgia, a canned coffee specially intended for Indian market which captured 40% of the market soon after its launch (Hill, 2009). According to (2007), Coca-Cola trains their managers in their management school, to make them aware of the global perspective of their operations. Figure 2: IR-Framework Adapted from (Bartlett, Ghoshal and Beamish (2008) and Hill(2009)) Manufacturing Distribution Process: This picture is to explain the process from the production and manufacturing to the consumers. Marketing is one of the back bones of any global industry in any country. As to stay in the market ahead from the competitors, marketing plays the major role in Indian market for soft drinks. The post- liberalization period in India saw the comeback of Cola but Pepsi(one of the major competitor India) had already beaten Coca-Cola to the punch, creatively entering the market in the 1980s in advance of the liberalization by the way of joint venture. Coca-Cola Company benefited from Pepsi creating demand and developing the market for soft drinks. (Kaul, 2004) Coca-Cola Company marketing strategy is based on 3 As that are Availability, Affordability and Acceptability. The first A is for availability of the product to the customers. The second A is for affordability is for pricing and the third A is for acceptability which stands convincing the customer to buy the product. In 2001 Coca-Cola CEO Douglas Daft set the new direction for next generation of success for global brand with a Think global, act local mantra. Recognizing that a single global strategy or single global campaign wouldnt work, locally relevant executions became an increasingly important element of supporting Cokes global brand strategy. Coca-Cola Company re-examined its approach in an attempt to gain leadership in the Indian market and capitalize on significant growth potential in the rural markets. The foundation the new strategy grounded brand positioning and marketing communications in consumer insight, acknowledging that urban versus rural India were two distinct markets on a variety of important dimensions. (Kaul, 2004) In rural market, where both the soft drink category and individual brands were undeveloped, the task was to broaden the brand positioning while in urban markets, with higher category and brand development, the task was to broaden the brand positioning while in urb an markets, with higher category and brand development, the task to narrow the brand positioning focusing on differentiation through offering unique and compelling value. (Kaul, 2004) Coca-Cola used two different marketing strategies for each urban and rural market. The first marketing life ho to aisi means life as it should be for urban market and the other was thanda matlab coca cola which means cool or cold is coca cola which hit the rural target very highly and gain the market very efficiently because the 96% of the population are in rural and developing cities. Coca-Cola Company reduced its rate for the rural market by providing 200ml bottle so that those customers and consumers whose wages are not so high can also have it. (Kaul, 2004) At the same time, Coke invested in distribution infrastructure to effectively serve a disbursed population and doubled the number of retail outlets in rural areas from 80,000 in 2001 to 160,000 in 2003, increasing market penetration from 13 to 25%. As a result of the marketing campaign, Coca-Cola won Advertiser of the year and Campaign of the year 2003. (Kaul, 2004) Swot analysis of Coca-Cola Company: Strengths: The brand image of coca-cola is very strong around the world and have a strong brand portfolio. Cola-cola brand value was increased by 2% from 2007 to 2008 and it is $66,667 million. Coca-Cola owned top five brands of soft drinks market around the world. Strong brand image allows the company to introduce new flavours in the market like vanilla coke, cherry coke and coke with lemon. The companys strong brand image facilitates customers recall and allows company to penetrate new markets while holding the old ones. Coca-cola Company offers more than 3000 products across the world. Coca-cola Company is running business in more than 200 countries in the world which provide it a strong global image. Due to the strong business model across the world company is able to generate significant cash flows up to $50 million a day. (Data Monitors, 2009) Weakness: Pension assets effect the company liquidity position of the company due to financial market volatility. Coca-cola Company is very mature having significantly more pensioners than active participating members. (Data Monitors, 2009) Opportunity: Globally the non alcoholic ready to drink market is increasing by 6% every year for the next 12 years. (Data monitors, 2009). This project growth is due to the increase in middle-class consumers and fast growing urban societies expected to form in the future. The company can capture this growth with innovative new products with old products. (Data Monitors, 2009) Threats: Coca-Cola Company is largely dependent on the bottling partners across the world. Approximately 78% of its worldwide production was produced and distributed by its bolting partners in 2008. Due to independent bottling partner companies make their own business decision that may not always align with Cola-Cola Company interest. Many of its bottling partners have a right to manufacture or distribute certain products of other beverage companies. In soft drink market there is intense competition and one of the major global competitors of Coca-Cola Company is PepsiCo. Competitive factors impacting companys business include advertising, product innovation, sales promotion programs, brand and trademark development and pricing. Decline in the market share of the home country which means the consumers have started to look for greater variety in their drinks and are becoming health conscious. Other major threat for the soft drink companies is reducing level of water for which the government and WHO is forcing the companies to reduce the level of water used in manufacturing the products. (Data Monitors, 2009) Competitor Analysis: The one of the major competitor in India and in global market is Pepsi. Pepsi entered in the India market in 1980s through joint venture. As early as 1985, Pepsi tried to gain entry into India and finally succeeded with Pepsi foods limited project in 1988 as a joint venture of PepsiCo, Punjab government owned Punjab agro industrial corporation (PAIC) and Voltas India limited (Singh, 1997). Pepsi was marketed and sold to Lehar Pepsi until 1991 when the use of foreign brands was allowed under the new economic policy and Pepsi ultimately bought out its partners becoming a fully owned subsidiary and ending the joint venture relationship in 1994. While the joint venture was only marginally successful in its own right, it allowed Pepsi to gain precious early experience with the Indian market and also served as an introduction of the Pepsi brand to the Indian market and also served as an introduction of the Pepsi brand to the Indian consumer such that it was well poised to reap the benefits when liberalization came (Kaul, 2004). SWOT analysis of PEPSICO: Strengths: The PepsiCo brand is figured at the 27th position in the top 100 global brand rankings of Business Week. The brand value of PepsiCo is $13,249 million in 2008. PepsiCo owns 18 mega brands which are recognise globally and generate annual sales of $1 billion each. In some countries PepsiCo is allowed to manufacture, sell and distribute soft drink products other than PepsiCo, including Dr Pepper and Squirt. PepsiCo have a strong manufacturing and distribution channel having 591 facilities till the end of 2008 and half of it is in USA and Canada. (Data Monitors, 2008) Weakness: The company operates 74.4% of its revenue from its home country USA and the USA market for soft drinks is decreasing. The net profit margin of the company is reduced by 3.9% as compare for the last year. The weak operational growth of the company will affect its future growth plan and can affect the investor confidence. (Data Monitors, 2008) Opportunities: Bottled water is one the fastest growing market globally. PepsiCo has the leading manufacturer and distributor in this market and can capture more market by developing new brands and making better the existing ones. PepsiCo made significant acquisition including two of the other Pepsi bottlers in which one is the eight largest Pepsi bottler in the Pepsi Bottling Group from which they are reducing the partners power slowly. (Data Monitors, 2008) Threats: PepsiCo is facing problem in the home country from where the company is generating the maximum revenue. The consumers are becoming more health conscious. The company is facing intense competition from its competitors mainly the Coca-Cola Company which is one of the major competitors globally. Competitive factors impacting companys business include advertising, product innovation, sales promotion programs, brand and trademark development and pricing. There are new laws from government and World Health Organisation(WHO) to reduce the usage for water in the manufacturing and for labelling, employment, and recycling and product safety. Conclusion: By using the IR framework tool it is evident that Coca-Cola is a global company and doing business in more than 200 countries with a global strategy and a local response. It entered in Indian market due to saturation in the home country market and the growing economies of India. Coca-Cola Company entered the Indian market by acquisition entry method by acquiring Local soft drinks brand like Thumsup, Limca from which gain knowledge about the country soft drink market. The company captured the Indian market majorly through marketing and targeting the rural market which contains the 96% of the population. The company use three A strategy to be to gain more market share. In Indian market Coca-Cola have 46 bottling plants some of them is owned and others are in partnership from which they share the risk, 1.3 million retailers and over 7000 distributors which gives the company a strong base. 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Test case prioritization and regression test selection

Test case prioritization and regression test selection 1. introduction The significance of software testing process and its affects on software quality cannot be taken too lightly. Software testing is a fundamental component of software quality assurance and represents a review of specification, design and coding. The greater visibility of software systems and the cost associated with software failure are motivating factors for planning, through testing. A number of rules that act as testing objectives are: * Testing is a process of executing a program with the aim of finding errors. * A good test case will have a good chance of finding an undiscovered error. * A successful test case uncovers a new error. Software maintenance is an activity, which includes enhancements, error corrections, optimization and deletion of obsolete capabilities. These modifications in the software may cause the software to work incorrectly and may affect the other parts of the software, as developers maintain a software system, they periodically regression test it, hoping to find errors caused by their changes. To do this, developers often create an initial test suite, and then reuse it for regression testing. Regression testing is an expensive maintenance process directed at validating modified software. Regression Test Selection techniques attempt to reduce the cost of regression testing by selecting tests from a programs existing test suite. The simplest regression testing method, retest all, it is one of the conventional methods for regression testing in which all the tests in the existing test suite are re-run. This method, however, is very expensive and may require an unacceptable amount of time to execute all tests in test suite. An alternative method, regression test selection, reruns only a subset of the initial test suite. In this technique instead of rerunning the whole test suite, we select a part of test suite to rerun if the cost of selecting a part of test suite is less than the cost of running the tests that regression test selection allows us to exclude. Of course, this approach is unsatisfactory as well test selection techniques can have significant costs, and can abandon tests that could disclose faults, possibly reducing fault detection effectiveness. [1] To reduce the time and cost during on testing process, another approach, Test Cases Prioritization in a testing procedure can be favorable for engineers and customers. In Test Case Prioritization techniques, test cases are executed in such a way, that maximum objective function like rate of fault detection can be achieved. In section 2 of this paper, we have described different types of Regression Test Selection techniques and we discussed various categories of these types point out by various authors then moving into the details of selective and prioritizing test cases for regression testing. In this section, we also describe several techniques for prioritizing test cases and we evaluate their ability to improve rate of fault detection, according to various authors. In the next section, we in particular describe the Regression Test Selection techniques and Test Case Prioritization problems. Subsequent sections present our analysis and conclusions 2. Regression testing During a software development life cycle, regression testing may start in development phase of system after the detection and correction of errors in a program. Many modifications may occur during the maintenance phase where the software system is corrected, updated and fine-tuned. There are three types of modifications, each arising from different types of maintenance. According to [2], corrective maintenance, commonly called fixes, involves correcting software failures, performance failures, and implementation failures in order to keep the system working properly. Adapting the system in response to changing data requirements or processing environments constitutes adaptive maintenance. Finally, perfective maintenance covers any enhancements to improve the system processing efficiency or maintainability. Based on of modification of specification authors identify two type of regression testing, Progressive regression testing involves a modified specification. In corrective regression testing, the specification does not change. Corrective regression testing Progressive regression testing * Specification is not changed * Involves minor modification to code (e.g., adding and deleting statements) * Usually done during development and corrective maintenance * Many test cases can be reused * Invoked at irregular intervals * Specification is changed * Involves major modification (e.g., adding and deleting modules) * Usually done during adaptive and perfective maintenance * Fewer test cases can be reused * Invoked at regular intervals Table 1: Differences between Corrective and Progressive Regression Testing According to [2], table 1 lists the major differences between corrective and progressive regression testing. Regression testing is defined [3] as the process of retesting the modified parts of the software and ensuring that no new errors have been introduced into previously tested code. There are various regression testing techniques as given by various researchers are: (I) Retest all, (II) Regression Test Selection and (III) Test Case Prioritization. Retest-All Technique reuses all tests existing in test suite. It is very expensive as compared to other techniques. In this report our main focus on Regression Test Selection and Test Case Prioritization. Let P be a procedure or program, let P be a modified version of P, and let T be a test suite for P. A typical regression test proceeds as follows: 1. Select T C T, a set of tests to execute on P. 2. Test P with T, establishing Ps correctness with respect to T. 3. If necessary, create T, a set of new functional or structural tests for P. 4. Test P with T, establishing Ps correctness with respect to T. 5. Create T, a new test suite and test history for P, from T, T, and T. Although each of these steps involves important problems, in this report we restrict our attention to step 1 which involves the Regression Test Selection problem. 2.1. REGRESSION TEST SELECTION Regression Test Selection technique is less expensive as compare to retest all technique. Regression Test Selection techniques reduce the cost of regression testing by selecting a subset of an existing test suite to use in retesting a modified program. A variety of regression test selection techniques have been describing in the research literature. Authors [1] describe several families of techniques; we consider five most common approaches often used in practice. 1) Minimization Techniques: These techniques attempt to select minimal sets of tests from T that yield coverage of modified or affected portions of P. One such technique requires that every program statement added to or modified for P be executed (if possible) by at least one test in T. 2) Safe Techniques: These techniques select, under certain conditions, every test in T that can expose one or more faults in P. One such technique selects every test in T that, when executed on P, exercised at least one statement that has been deleted from P, or at least one statement that is new in or modified for P. 3) Dataflow-Coverage-Based Techniques: These techniques select tests that exercise data interactions that have been affected by modifications. One such technique selects every test in T that, when executed on P, exercised at least one definition use pair that has been deleted from P, or at least one definition-use pair that has been modified for P. 4) Ad Hoc / Random Techniques: When time constraints prohibit the use of a retest-all approach, but no test selection tool is available, developers often select tests based on hunches, or loose associations of tests with functionality. One simple technique randomly selects a predetermined number of tests from T. 5) Retest-All Technique: This technique reuses all existing tests. To test P, the technique selects all tests in T. According to [3], Test Selection techniques are broadly classified into three categories. 1) Coverage techniques: These consider the test coverage criteria. These find coverable program parts that have been modified and select test cases that work on these parts. 2) Minimization techniques: These are similar to coverage techniques except that they select minimum set of test cases. 3) Safe techniques: These do not focus on criteria of coverage, in contrast they select all those test cases that produce different output with a modified program as compared to its original version. Regression test selection identifies the negative impact of modifications applied to software artifacts throughout their life cycle. In traditional approaches, code is modified directly, so code-based selective regression testing is used to identify negative impact of modifications. In model-centric approaches, modifications are first done to models, rather than to code. Consequently, the negative impact to software quality should be identified by means of selective model-based regression testing. To date, most automated model based testing approaches focus primarily on automating test generation, execution, and evaluation, while support for model-based regression test selection is limited [4]. Code-based regression test selection techniques assume specification immutability, while model-based techniques select abstract test cases based on models modifications. Thus, in model based Regression Test Selection techniques, the existing test suite can be classified into following three main types: 1) Reusable test cases: Reusable test cases are test cases from the original test suite that are not obsolete or re-testable. Hence, these test cases do not need to be re-executed. 2) Re-testable test cases: Test cases are re-testable if they are non-obsolete (model-based) test case and they traverse modified model elements. 3) Obsolete test cases: Test cases are obsolete if their input had been modified. Regression Test Selection techniques may create new test cases that test the program for areas which are not covered by the existing test cases. Model based Regression test suite selection that utilizes Unified Modeling Language (UML) based Use Case Activity Diagrams (UCAD). The activity diagrams are commonly employed as a graphical representation of the behavioral activities of a software system. It represents the functional behavior of a given use case. With behavior slicing we can built our activity diagram. This diagram gives us qualitative regression tests. Using behavior slicing each use case divided into a set of unit of behavior where each unit of behavior represents a user action.[5] An activity diagram has mostly six nodes: 1. Initial node 2. User Action node 3. System Processing node 4. System Output node 5. Condition node 6. Final node 2.3. TEST CASE PRIORITIZATION The main purpose of test case prioritization is to rank test cases execution order to detect fault as early as possible. There are two benefits brought by prioritization technique. First, it provides a way to find more bugs under resource constraint condition and thus improves the revealed earlier; engineers have more time to fix these bugs [6]. Zengkai Ma and Jianjun Zhao [6] propose a new prioritization index called testing-importance of module (TIM), which combines two prioritization factors: fault proneness and importance of module. The main advantages of this prioritization approach are twofold. First, the TIM value can be evaluated by analyzing program structure (e.g., call graph) alone and it also can be evaluated by incorporating program structure information and other available data (e.g., source code changes). Therefore, this approach can be applied to not only regression testing but also non-regression testing. Second, through analyzing program structure, we can build a mapping between fault severity and fault location. Those test cases covering important part of system will be assigned high priority and executed first. As a result, the severe faults are revealed earlier and the system becomes reliable at fast rate. The main contributions of authors [6] are: * They propose a new approach to evaluate the testing importance for modules in system by combining analysis of fault proneness and module importance. * They develop a test case prioritization technique, which can provide test cases priority result by handling multiple information (e.g., program structure information, source code changes) and can be applied to both new developed software testing and regression testing. * They implement Apros, a tool for test case prioritization based on the proposed technique, and perform an experimental study on their approach. The result suggests that Apros is a promising solution to improve the rate of severe faults detection. Authors consider a sample system, which consists of six modules: M1-M6 and there exist some call relationships between each module. A test suite includes six test cases T1-T6 that covers the M1-M6 respectively. Some modules are dependent on each other. They are finding fault proneness and fault severity by using TIM from this system. They conclude the prioritization result (T3, T6, T4, T2, T5, and T1) on the bases of analyzing structure of system. For calculating this result they had developed some formulas and equation. [6] They also did some experiment with two Java programs along JUnit test cases: xml-security and jtopas. They select three sequential versions of the two java programs and apply newly developed software testing and the regression testing. They perform some experiment for finding fault proneness and severe fault. They also introduce the importance of any module using weight fact. Authors [7] explore value-driven approach to prioritizing software system test with the objective of improving user-perceived software quality. Software testing is a strenuous and expensive process. Research has shown that at least 50% of the total software cost is comprised of testing activities.They conclude that, their approach of prioritization of test cases is work effectively with regression and non-regression testing by analyzing the program structure. They make a reach on prior TCP which have two goals: (1) to improve customer confidence on software quality in a cost effective way and (2) to improve the rate of detection of severe faults during system-level testing of new code and regression testing of existing code. They present a value-driven approach to system-level test case prioritization called the Prioritization of Requirements for Test (PORT). PORT based on following four factors. 1) Requirements volatility Is based on the number of times a requirement has been changed during the development cycle. 2) Customer priority Is a measure of the importance of a requirement to the customer? 3) Implementation complexity Is a subjective measure of how difficult the development team perceives the implementation of requirement to be. 4) Fault proneness Of requirements (FP) allows the development team to identify the requirements which have had customer-reported failures. They claim in research paper, Prioritization of Requirement Test (PORT) has great impact on finding severe fault at system level. They are emphasis on Customer priority in TCP for improve the fault detection. Today software industries are working on neutral manner. They set neutral value to all requirements use cases, test cases and defects. To improve the customer satisfactions in software engineering world they are presenting a value-driven approach for system level testing. In these days Regression Test Case Prioritization techniques use structural coverage criteria to select the test cases. They are leading their ideas from structure level to code level TCP for both new and Regression tests. This Paper has two main objectives: 1). Find severe faults earlier 2). Improve customer confidence on particular system. Researchers describe several techniques [8] for prioritizing test cases and they empirically evaluate their ability to improve rate of fault detectionà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬a measure of how quickly faults are detected within the testing process. An improved rate of fault detection during regression testing can provide earlier feedback on a system under regression test and let developers begin debugging and correcting faults earlier than might otherwise is possible. Their results indicate that test case prioritization can significantly improve the rate of fault detection of test suites. Furthermore, their results highlight tradeoffs between various prioritization techniques. Test case prioritization can address a wide variety of objectives. In practice, and depending upon the choice of objective, the test case prioritization problem may be intractable: objectives, an efficient solution to the problem would provide an efficient solution to the knapsack problem [8]. Authors consider nine different test case prioritization techniques. T1: No prioritization One prioritization technique that authors consider is simply the application of no technique; this lets us consider untreated test suites. T2: Random prioritization Random prioritization in which authors randomly order the tests in a test suite. T3: Optimal prioritization An optimal ordering of test cases in a test suite for maximizing that suites rate of fault detection. In practice, of course, this is not a practical technique, as it requires knowledge of which test cases will expose which faults. T4: Total branch coverage prioritization We can determine, for any test case, the number of decisions (branches) in that program that were exercised by that test case. We can prioritize these test cases according to the total number of branches they cover simply by sorting them in order of total branch coverage achieved. T5: Additional branch coverage prioritization Total branch coverage prioritization schedules test cases in the order of total coverage achieved. However, having executed a test case and covered certain branches, more may be gained in subsequent test cases by covering branches that have not yet been covered. Additional branch coverage prioritization iteratively selects a test case that yields the greatest branch coverage. T6: Total fault-exposing-potential prioritization Statement- and branch-coverage-based prioritization consider only whether a statement or branch has been exercised by a test case. This consideration may mask a fact about test cases and faults: the ability of a fault to be exposed by a test case depends not only on whether the test case reaches (executes) a faulty statement, but also, on the probability that a fault in that statement will cause a failure for that test case. Although any practical determination of this probability must be an approximation, we wished to determine whether the use of such an approximation could yield a prioritization technique superior in terms of rate of fault detection than techniques based on simple code coverage. T7:Additional fault-exposing-potential (FEP) prioritization Analogous to the extensions made to total branch (or statement) coverage prioritization to additional branch (or statement) coverage prioritization, we extend total FEP prioritization to create additional fault-exposing-potential (FEP) prioritization. This lets us account for the fact that additional executions of a statement may be less valuable than initial executions. In additional FEP prioritization, after selecting a test case t, we lower the award values for all other test cases that exercise statements exercised by t. T8: Total statement coverage prioritization Total statement coverage prioritization is the same as total branch coverage prioritization, except that test coverage is measured in terms of program statements rather than decisions. T9: Additional statement coverage prioritization Additional statement coverage prioritization is the same as additional branch coverage prioritization, except that test coverage is measured in terms of program statements rather than decisions. With this technique too, we require a method for prioritizing the remaining test cases after complete coverage has been achieved, and in this work, we do this using total statement coverage prioritization. 2.3.1. Search Algorithms for Test Case Prioritization There are many search techniques for test case prioritization, which are being developed and unfolded by various researchers in the field. 1) Greedy algorithm: Works on the next best search philosophy. It [9] minimizes the estimated cost to reach a particular goal. Its advantage is that it is cheap in both execution time and implementation. The cost of this prioritization is O(mn) for program containing m statements and test suite containing n test cases. 2) Additional Greedy algorithm: This algorithm [9] uses the feedback from previous selections. It selects the maximum weight element from the part that is not already consumed by previously selected elements. Once the complete coverage is achieved, the remaining test cases are prioritized by reapplying the Additional Greedy algorithm. The cost of this prioritization is O(mn2) for program containing m statements and test suite containing n test cases. 3) Hill Climbing: It is one of the popular local search algorithms with two variations; steepest ascent and next best ascent. It is very easy and inexpensive to execute. However, this has cons of dividing O(n2) neighbors and is unlikely to scale. Steps of algorithm are explained in [9]. 4) Genetic Algorithms (GAs): Is a search technique [9] based on the Darwins theory of survival of the fit test? The population is a set of randomly generated individuals. Each individual is representing by variables/parameters called genes or chromosomes. The basic steps of Genetic Algorithm are (1) Encoding (2) Selection (3) Cross over (4) Mutation. 3. CONCLUSION In this paper we discussed about Regression test selection and Test Case Prioritization Selection. Regression testing is a style of testing that focuses on retesting after changes are made. In traditional regression testing, we reuse the same tests (the regression tests). In risk-oriented regression testing, we check the same module functionality as before, but we use different tests. Any test can be reused, and so any test can become a regression test. Regression testing naturally combines with all other test techniques. Therefore we use Test Case Prioritization technique inside Regression Testing. Test prioritization makes strengthen our regression testing for finding more severe fault in earlier stages. In this paper we discussed about different factor of prioritization. Customer priority has a great impact on PORT. Our view about both test case selection is, First version of test suite which developed by developer should have concrete test cases. Also at the same stage we should perform some prioritization. With earlier prioritization of test cases we can reduce our cost, time, effort and maximize customer satisfaction 4. References [1] Todd L. Graves, Mary Jean Harrold, Jung-Min Kim, Adam Porters, Gregg Rothermel, An Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques, Proceedings of the 1998 (20th) International Conference on Software Engineering, 19-25 April 1998 Page(s):188 197. [2] Leung, H.K.N., White, L., Insights into Regression Testing, Proceedings., Conference on Software Maintenance, 16-19 Oct. 1989 Page(s):60 69. [3] K.K.Aggarwal Yogesh Singh, Software Engineering Programs Documentation, Operating Procedures, New Age International Publishers, Revised Second Edition 2005. [4] Naslavsky L., Ziv H., Richardson D.J., A Model-Based Regression Test Selection Technique, ICSM 2009. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 20-26 Sept. 2009 Page(s):515 518. [5] Gorthi R.P., Pasala A., Chanduka K.K.P., Leong, B., Specification-Based Approach to Select Regression Test Suite to Validate [6] Changed Software, APSEC 08. 15th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 3-5 Dec. 2008, Page(s):153 160 [7] Zengkai Ma, Jianjun Zhao, Test Case Prioritization based on Analysis of Program Structure, APSEC 08. 15th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 3-5 Dec. 2008, Page(s):471 478 [8] Srikanth H., Williams L., Osborne J., System Test Case Prioritization of New and Regression Test Cases, 2005 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, 17-18 Nov. 2005, Page(s):10 pp. [9] Rothermel G., Untch R.H., Chengyun Chu, Harrold M.J., Test Case Prioritization: An Empirical Study, (ICSM 99) Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 30 Aug.-3 Sept. 1999, Page(s):179 188 [10] Zheng Li, Mark Harman, and Robert M. Hierons, Search algorithms for regression test case prioritization, IEEE Trans. On Software Engineering, vol 33, no.4, April 2007.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Nestle: Operating in a Global Economy Essay -- strategic management ca

Nestle is a large company with over 150 years of history. The company deals with global production and competes around the world in an effort to achieve steady growth and profit. Competing in the global economy requires dealing with many challenges to meet production goals and market products to different cultures. Nestle also markets to third world countries that need nutritious food at a reasonable price. The company is a market leader in numerous product lines that have provided a solid foundation for sales and profit. Nestle has strong brand recognition that provides a competitive advantage to get into new markets and expand in existing markets. Operating in the global market means embracing numerous opportunities while avoiding various threats. The strategic management Nestle exhibited serves as an excellent case study in operating in a global economy. History The Nestle company traces its roots back to 1866 when Henri Nestle began searching for a healthy and economical alternative for mothers who were unable to breast feed their infants. Nestle’s first customer was a premature infant that could not tolerate the mother’s milk or any other substitutes available at the time (Nestle). The new product saved the babies’ life and people quickly recognized the value of the new product. By 1900, the company expanded to other products including powdered soup, bouillon cubes, sauces and flavorings. Through the early 1900s, production expanded and factories were operating in the United States, Britain, Germany and Spain. In 1904, Nestle added chocolate to its product line by reaching an agreement with the Swiss General Chocolate Company. The company continued to expand and began manufacturing in Australia and e... ...nclusion Nestle is a market leading company and serves as an excellent case study for illustrating strategic management in the global economy. The companies roots go all the way back to 1866 and the established history have created a strong company tested by the ups and downs of the world economy. Establishing a strong market base and vision for health and nutrition provide Nestle a positive reputation. The company has weathered two world wars and has continue to refine the corporate strategy. This flexibility and adaptability have enabled steady growth and success through these changing market conditions. Nestle can continue this success by establishing new markets and creating new products. In particular, continuing research and development to expand health and nutrition focused products will facilitate the ability to achieve above-average returns.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fixed or Variable Cost Essay -- cost, business,

Cost can be divided into fixed and variable and by considering into fact that fixed and variable cost can be unarguably split into two, even though they behave differently based on the level of sales of volumes. Since, cost is used in every field to determine the price of an item and the unit sold. Two of the main components of cost are fixed and variable cost and is used to differentiate between the costs that have no direct correlation to business and those that do. Definition:- Fixed cost is not affected by the changes in the sales, they have slight relationship to the business and they do not change considerably when the sale increase or decrease. Fixed cost is set for particular period of time and changes occur during the specific time. Since, fixed cost does not change directly some of the examples of fixed cost are insurance premium, real estate taxes etc. For example, ‘an increase in the cost of insurance premiums may be attributable to an insurance company’s perception of increased risk associated with higher volume. Even though the increase in insurance cost is somehow related to an increase in volume, the cost of insurance is still considered a fixed cost’ (Tiffin, 2007). Other component of cost is variable cost changes frequently do not haves specific set period. Variable costs can be aptly defined as," which increase directly in proportion to the level of sales in dollars or units sold†. Depending on the type of busines s, some examples would be cost of goods sold, sales commissions, shipping charges, delivery charges, and costs of direct materials or supplies, wages of part-time or temporary employees, and sales or production bonuses. Both fixed and variable cost elements are components of mixed or semi-vari... ...the equation for a straight line as follows: Y = $3,400 + $0.80X Hence the above example shows that costs can be determined as either fixed or variable even in a semi variable cost. In conclusion cost can be divided into two to find the exact amount of sale of an item sold and purchased by the customer. All fixed cost can be variable cost since, variable cost change often. Reference †¢ Tiffin, R., (2007) Finance and Accounting Desktop Guide: Accounting Literacy for the Non-financial Manager 2nd ed., London Thorogood. †¢ Hansen, D., Mowen, M., & Guan, L., Cost Management: Accounting & Control 6th ed., Mason, Ohio: South-Western †¢ Dittmer, P. & Keefe, D., (2009) Principles of Food, Beverage and Labor Cost Controls 9th ed., Hoboken, N.J John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (US). †¢ Weetman, P. (2006) Management Accounting, FT/Prentice Hall (Pearson Education)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Personal Thoughts on God, Ethics and Knowledge

The three components that make up my Christian worldview are God, ethics, and knowledge because they have molded my thinking, life experiences, accompanied with a wealth of knowledge through education and life decisions. Experience God and doing the will God is one of those components. Because of my faith in God I have learned how to trust and depend on him unconditionally for everything. In addition; being grateful for the trials and tribulations where miracles had the opportunity to be birthed into manifestation. For example, when my mother was hospitalized and my pager went off twenty times God was warning me that trouble was ahead. I had cried for two weeks earlier before the incident and I thought I was mourning for my friends mother, who was hospitalized and in reality I was mourning my own mother’s death. One of the greatest decisions that I ever made was when I turned my life over to God and allowed his perfect will to come into my world. By doing that it gave me the chance to gain a Christian education and teachings throughout the bible. Because without those teachings and understanding it would be impossible to understand things that happen in life otherwise, but he equips you at all times. The word of God has given us the road map to ethics, and the consequences for doing the right and wrong things in life. Ethics plays a vital role in this because it is the principle of dealing with what is right or wrong, and the morals that one possess. When you obey God he blesses you; however if you disobey him he will allow a curse to come upon you. The obedience opens up doors that otherwise would have been closed. People tend to give you favor in life, and they don’t even recognize why they are doing what they are doing at the time. I call this walking in the Fog or walking in the favor of God. When God tells you to give a person something and you don’t even know why you are doing it. Like when I purchased a car to run around and do errands, but after I had done the repairs on the car God told me to give the car away. This was a car that I had paid for with cash, and God instructed me to just give it away and don’t look back. I did it because I am crazy for Jesus, and I don’t need any explanations, he is always there, just pay attention. The word of God is knowledge that can change your life as you get to know the word and doing the will of God. This knowledge is very important for your educational growth, and spiritual well being. God wants you to have a personal relationship with him, and wants us to open our hearts and converse with him. He knows your story and how it will end up, your job is to just trust and depend on your heavenly father. He will reveal himself, his purpose for your life, and instructions once you invite him into your thoughts. God says to have faith the size of a mustard seed, and faith without works is dead. I have learned to take him at his word and life will become a dream turned into reality. Without any knowledge it is impossible to please God, and there is not anything to base your beliefs and values on in life. Which is where you knowledge comes from, and there are different types of knowledge. For example, knowledge that you acquire in a career, or the knowledge of God from spending time with him in the word. My beliefs are based on the word of God, and the way he wants me to live. Because of me paying attention to the word of God I have made better decisions in my personal, academic and business life. The Word of God is the best teaching that anyone can receive when the mind opens up to receive the directions. By allowing God, his knowledge, and teaching me how to live an ethical lifestyle my life has become very fulfilling and broader. God’s Holy Spirit is our personal teacher to educate us on how to treat people, and live a life peacefully. You know do unto others as you would have them due unto you. He also wants us to love Him and confess our sins when we have committed one. The only way to know this for one self is to open your heart and mind and invite the Holy Spirit into your temple so that one can have a life changing experience for the good. My three components that make up this Christian worldview are God, ethics and knowledge because they have molded my thinking, life experiences accompanied with a wealth of knowledge through education and life decisions.

Chapter 17 Assessment U.S. History

Chapter 17 perspicacity 1. advancing thrust- Efforts to make govt. much responsive to the mass, desexualise economical opportunities, and recompense injustices. 2. muckraker- One of the magazine publisher journalists who exposed the cocker side of clientele and public c atomic number 18er 3. take- The right(a) to vote 4. Susan B. Anthony- Co-fo chthonian of the national muliebrity suffrage companionship in 1869. 5. Theodore Roosevelt- twenty-sixth chairman of the US. His full term lasted from 1901-1909. Known for the second power pile politics, that describes modernised crystallises, of big disdain that victimized studyers . NAACP- content standstill for the advancement of colored people founded in 1909 to heighten full racial equality 7. Gifford Pinchot- tip of US forest service under president Roosevelt believed that wilderness areas could be scientifically managed for public frolic while al secondarying clandestine development. 8. Woodrow Wilson- 28th president of the united states, from 1913-1921. continue Roosevelts and Tafts anti institutionalize effort. Enacted his weapons platform called sore exemption that attacked trusts Tariffs and high finance. . Clayton antimonopoly locomote- 1914 declaring authoritative argumentation practices illegal. A stomach could no seven-day acquire downslope of a nonher community if it would create a monopoly. 10. Federal qualification System- a course to make faith more substantially available step to the foredoors the financial centers of immature York and Boston. Credit and capital would keep cubic yard with the economy. 1. The four goals are protect companionable welfare, promote honorable improvement, create economic reform and nurture efficiency. 2. Limit on the job(p) hours for women and children, and workers compensation for workers support or killed on the job. 3. City governing became aware of corruptness and mismanagement and utilize various strategies to reform and become more responsible. 4. Domestic work 5. 1. NAWSA national American woman suffrage association. Womens right to vote. 2. NACW national association of colored women. Managed nurseries, teaching rooms and kindergartens 6. He exposed insanitary conditions in nutriment industry. They made refreshed sanitation laws, inspections/ FDA. 7.EXPLAIN THE end BETWEEN ROOSEVELTS FORM OF PROGRESSIVISM AND WILSONS athttps// emerged as a trust buster by using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up some of the nations largest corporations. 8. Although he accomplished umteen things, he was not popular, and did not chance credit for what he did. 9. Republican conservatives and progressives crush over Tafts reserve of the governmental emboss Joseph Cannon. 10. Declared certain business practices illegal. This prevented monopolies. 11. Wilson did not support woman suffrage and introduced sequestration into the federal government. He did not requisite to change things. 1.Square deal was a syllabus to keep the flush and powerful from taking advantage of abject businesses and the poor. While the New Freedom was a program to accommodate small businesses to energize more opportunities. The similarities were that both(prenominal) Roosevelt and Wilson were both toilsome to help out the small businesses. 2. The genial economic and political impulses that caused the reform movement were numerous things. Women without a right to vote, low morale and many people without property or reproduction to get money. to a fault the heavy nominal head of child labor. 1. C 2. F 3. AChapter 17 Assessment U.S. HistoryChapter 17 Assessment 1. progressive movement- Efforts to make govt. more responsive to the people, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices. 2. muckraker- One of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life 3. suffrage- The right to vote 4. Susan B. Anthon y- Co-founder of the national woman suffrage association in 1869. 5. Theodore Roosevelt- 26th president of the US. His term lasted from 1901-1909. Known for the square deal politics, that describes progressive reforms, of big business that victimized workers . NAACP- National association for the advancement of colored people founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality 7. Gifford Pinchot- Head of US forest service under president Roosevelt believed that wilderness areas could be scientifically managed for public enjoyment while allowing private development. 8. Woodrow Wilson- 28th president of the united states, from 1913-1921. Continued Roosevelts and Tafts antitrust effort. Enacted his program called New Freedom that attacked trusts Tariffs and high finance. . Clayton Antitrust Act- 1914 declaring certain business practices illegal. A corporation could no longer acquire stock of another corporation if it would create a monopoly. 10. Federal Reserve System- a way to make credit more easily available outside the financial centers of New York and Boston. Credit and money would keep pace with the economy. 1. The four goals are protect social welfare, promote moral improvement, create economic reform and foster efficiency. 2. Limit working hours for women and children, and workers compensation for workers hurt or killed on the job. 3. City government became aware of corruption and mismanagement and used various strategies to reform and become more responsible. 4. Domestic work 5. 1. NAWSA national American woman suffrage association. Womens right to vote. 2. NACW national association of colored women. Managed nurseries, reading rooms and kindergartens 6. He exposed unsanitary conditions in food industry. They made new sanitation laws, inspections/ FDA. 7.EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ROOSEVELTS FORM OF PROGRESSIVISM AND WILSONS athttps// emerged as a trust buster by using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up some of the nations largest corporations. 8. Although he accomplished many things, he was not popular, and did not receive credit for what he did. 9. Republican conservatives and progressives split over Tafts support of the political boss Joseph Cannon. 10. Declared certain business practices illegal. This prevented monopolies. 11. Wilson did not support woman suffrage and introduced segregation into the federal government. He did not want to change things. 1.Square deal was a program to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small businesses and the poor. While the New Freedom was a program to allow small businesses to have more opportunities. The similarities were that both Roosevelt and Wilson were both trying to help out the small businesses. 2. The social economic and political impulses that caused the reform movement were many things. Women without a right to vote, low morale and many people without money or education to get money. Also the heavy presence of child lab or. 1. C 2. F 3. A

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

American Psycho Review

Psycho is a cult film based on the much controversial novel by Brett Gaston Ellis. Directed by Mary Harrow, it is a dark comedy and a liable(p) satire of America in the 1 us that artfully connects conformity, materialism, misogyny, narcissism, classicism and superficiality. If you ar a mental picture connoisseur and savour well directed stories, you should definitely non miss American Psycho. But this movie Is a bit difficult to collect as it is hard on your gumption and your mind due to the obvious craze and gore, it is not for everyone, but definitely Is a work of artThe opening reedits atomic number 18 very artsy and one of the finest examples of cinematography fifty-fiftytide ever seen. The cranberry Juice Is very easy mistaken as drops of transmission line go which Is a very subtle mental imagery evoking sinister abstractions. The attention to detail Is close to Impeccable, from the dressing styles, the music culture, architecture, gadgets, the landscape, Inter ior decorations & design, to the movie texture. There Is a deep event study of Patrick Bateman, who Is a suave yuppie workings at W both Street. This wealthy 27 year old working as Vice President in shove & Pierce becomes a psycho cause of death by evening.The character is portrayed by the flamboyant welsh actor Christian Bale whose performance was nothing less(prenominal) than chilling and sensational. Bale did a striking job to bring out the founder personality of Bateman. Bateman has many unusual traits. He is an attention-to-detail freak. During his elaborate morning routine, he even mentions why he doesnt use afters form with small or no intoxicant. Why? Because alcohol makes your skin dry and makes you look sure- comme il faut(a). He is the epitome of narcissism which is why he HAS to look good and defend the perfect body. He even photo tapes his sexual escapades.His laconic manner of dialogues goes to counsel typical psychopathic behavior. There is a sever diversi fi goofballion and identity crisis show in the movie where Bateman desperately tries to base out. Bateman was easily mistaken to be Halberds because they wore the aforementioned(prenominal) suits and went to the same salons. Another hilarious minute of arc was when they were comparing their subscriber line cards and all of them were Vice presidents of the same firm You inhabit you atomic number 18 a Patrick Bateman when you are on the verge of murdering the other person if their business card is better than yours.Bateman dines at the nines of restaurants, wears single designer clothes, lives in an uptown Manhattan flat overlooking the American gardens, goes to the best spas and walloping booths, gets off on cocaine and if these arent enough to fill his hollowness, he resorts eating cooked brains of stochastic strangers. He Is absolutely devoid of human beings emotions, those other than lust, greed and disgust. He massacres his brother Paul Allen because Paul could get a reservation at some apply restaurant and he couldnt There are some disturbing scenes where he commits crazy murders of his friend Elizabeth, homeless person and his cross out of sheer boredom.As the story unfolds, his blood thirst becomes to a greater extent acute and he rampantly kills people In parliamentary procedure to get noticed. This is when he starts to lose intrigue on reality and things become more surreal which suggests that the killings were in his head. There are many junctures in the movie where this is around evident, for example the ATM machine exhibit Feed me a stray cat and Bateman tried to insert the cat forcefully through the slot. By the end of the to ask? Also did or did not Bateman kill all those people. But it is not a real story, he killings are clearly metaphorical.It mocks an era where women treated like drivel people resorted to conformity & materialism and where the agreeable folks were busy listening to displease music, getting high, eating gourmet meals and lecture big. It has a subtle philosophical tangent too, it is not that life is pointless and thusly Bateman does condemnable, but instead that he does evil to prove (to himself) that life is pointless and his actions have no ramifications. Hence a ordering without a moral compass makes the surroundings congenial for psychopaths like Bateman to be born.