Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SC2C67C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

SC2C67C - Essay Example , Middle and Far East for new workers, providing them with British citizenship and inviting them to take up jobs within the UK labour market (Kenny; Briner, 2006: 3). The UK workforce has steadily become more multi-ethnic in the past five decades (p.31). Gender: The number of women working away from home has increased several-fold, with the proportion of women in the workforce nearly equal to that of men, and steadily increasing. But, in terms of remuneration, choice projects or promotions, they are discriminated against. Age for retirement around the mid-fifties is considered too early in present times, with men and women perceiving themselves to be capable of several more years of employment. Employers’ preference for younger people is prevalent, with educational qualifications and energy counting more than experience which veterans may have. Ethnic and Racial Discrimination: In a study, among those who reported discrimination at the work place on the basis of ethnicity or race, 28 % reported being passed over for promotion, 21% reported being assigned undesirable tasks, and 16% reported hearing racist comments Dixon, et al, 2002 quoted in (Nelson; Nielsen, 2005: 18). Migration to the United Kingdom, and settlement patterns mean minority ethnic people now make up 8% of the UK population residing mainly in the larger cities like London and Birmingham. UK Government projections show that, because of their younger age profile, minority ethnic people account for 50 per cent of the growth in the UK working population between 1999 and 2009 (Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, 2003 as quoted in Kenny; Briner, 2006: p.3). Ethnic minorities like the Africans also are represented as a significant proportion of the population, many of them having their roots in Britain since several generations earlier. Ogbonna (1998) quoted in Kenny; Briner (2006: 14), states that a â€Å"vicious circle of unequal opportunities† commonly affects the motivation of unemployed minority

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