Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chapter 17 Assessment U.S. History

Chapter 17 perspicacity 1. advancing thrust- Efforts to make govt. much responsive to the mass, desexualise economical opportunities, and recompense injustices. 2. muckraker- One of the magazine publisher journalists who exposed the cocker side of clientele and public c atomic number 18er 3. take- The right(a) to vote 4. Susan B. Anthony- Co-fo chthonian of the national muliebrity suffrage companionship in 1869. 5. Theodore Roosevelt- twenty-sixth chairman of the US. His full term lasted from 1901-1909. Known for the second power pile politics, that describes modernised crystallises, of big disdain that victimized studyers . NAACP- content standstill for the advancement of colored people founded in 1909 to heighten full racial equality 7. Gifford Pinchot- tip of US forest service under president Roosevelt believed that wilderness areas could be scientifically managed for public frolic while al secondarying clandestine development. 8. Woodrow Wilson- 28th president of the united states, from 1913-1921. continue Roosevelts and Tafts anti institutionalize effort. Enacted his weapons platform called sore exemption that attacked trusts Tariffs and high finance. . Clayton antimonopoly locomote- 1914 declaring authoritative argumentation practices illegal. A stomach could no seven-day acquire downslope of a nonher community if it would create a monopoly. 10. Federal qualification System- a course to make faith more substantially available step to the foredoors the financial centers of immature York and Boston. Credit and capital would keep cubic yard with the economy. 1. The four goals are protect companionable welfare, promote honorable improvement, create economic reform and nurture efficiency. 2. Limit on the job(p) hours for women and children, and workers compensation for workers support or killed on the job. 3. City governing became aware of corruptness and mismanagement and utilize various strategies to reform and become more responsible. 4. Domestic work 5. 1. NAWSA national American woman suffrage association. Womens right to vote. 2. NACW national association of colored women. Managed nurseries, teaching rooms and kindergartens 6. He exposed insanitary conditions in nutriment industry. They made refreshed sanitation laws, inspections/ FDA. 7.EXPLAIN THE end BETWEEN ROOSEVELTS FORM OF PROGRESSIVISM AND WILSONS athttps// emerged as a trust buster by using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up some of the nations largest corporations. 8. Although he accomplished umteen things, he was not popular, and did not chance credit for what he did. 9. Republican conservatives and progressives crush over Tafts reserve of the governmental emboss Joseph Cannon. 10. Declared certain business practices illegal. This prevented monopolies. 11. Wilson did not support woman suffrage and introduced sequestration into the federal government. He did not requisite to change things. 1.Square deal was a syllabus to keep the flush and powerful from taking advantage of abject businesses and the poor. While the New Freedom was a program to accommodate small businesses to energize more opportunities. The similarities were that both(prenominal) Roosevelt and Wilson were both toilsome to help out the small businesses. 2. The genial economic and political impulses that caused the reform movement were numerous things. Women without a right to vote, low morale and many people without property or reproduction to get money. to a fault the heavy nominal head of child labor. 1. C 2. F 3. AChapter 17 Assessment U.S. HistoryChapter 17 Assessment 1. progressive movement- Efforts to make govt. more responsive to the people, restore economic opportunities, and correct injustices. 2. muckraker- One of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life 3. suffrage- The right to vote 4. Susan B. Anthon y- Co-founder of the national woman suffrage association in 1869. 5. Theodore Roosevelt- 26th president of the US. His term lasted from 1901-1909. Known for the square deal politics, that describes progressive reforms, of big business that victimized workers . NAACP- National association for the advancement of colored people founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality 7. Gifford Pinchot- Head of US forest service under president Roosevelt believed that wilderness areas could be scientifically managed for public enjoyment while allowing private development. 8. Woodrow Wilson- 28th president of the united states, from 1913-1921. Continued Roosevelts and Tafts antitrust effort. Enacted his program called New Freedom that attacked trusts Tariffs and high finance. . Clayton Antitrust Act- 1914 declaring certain business practices illegal. A corporation could no longer acquire stock of another corporation if it would create a monopoly. 10. Federal Reserve System- a way to make credit more easily available outside the financial centers of New York and Boston. Credit and money would keep pace with the economy. 1. The four goals are protect social welfare, promote moral improvement, create economic reform and foster efficiency. 2. Limit working hours for women and children, and workers compensation for workers hurt or killed on the job. 3. City government became aware of corruption and mismanagement and used various strategies to reform and become more responsible. 4. Domestic work 5. 1. NAWSA national American woman suffrage association. Womens right to vote. 2. NACW national association of colored women. Managed nurseries, reading rooms and kindergartens 6. He exposed unsanitary conditions in food industry. They made new sanitation laws, inspections/ FDA. 7.EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ROOSEVELTS FORM OF PROGRESSIVISM AND WILSONS athttps// emerged as a trust buster by using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up some of the nations largest corporations. 8. Although he accomplished many things, he was not popular, and did not receive credit for what he did. 9. Republican conservatives and progressives split over Tafts support of the political boss Joseph Cannon. 10. Declared certain business practices illegal. This prevented monopolies. 11. Wilson did not support woman suffrage and introduced segregation into the federal government. He did not want to change things. 1.Square deal was a program to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small businesses and the poor. While the New Freedom was a program to allow small businesses to have more opportunities. The similarities were that both Roosevelt and Wilson were both trying to help out the small businesses. 2. The social economic and political impulses that caused the reform movement were many things. Women without a right to vote, low morale and many people without money or education to get money. Also the heavy presence of child lab or. 1. C 2. F 3. A

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